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what words could you say

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I agree with what your saying, for some time might heal but actually its what you do in that time that helps you to heal, its not just a matter of a day or week or month going past, if you know what im saying.


But i would more so say, realisation and self motivation along side will power and trust in others will get you further than time.


Its almost like, yes you hurt but to some extent you know when something is lost you know? and why should you mourn something that can be corrected by your own senses, and moving on. I guess it depends on the person and what they feel.

I believe in that to some degree, and how you should not waste the time feeling bad but creating something good but i know if to say i lost someone close, time would never heal. So to some degree its a contradictive statement...or hypocritical


still thats my opinion, kel

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Some scars take longer to heal and some take more of an invested interest in resolving them by you. If you just sit there and do nothing about what bothers you then time will not heal your wounds. You will be complacent with them and will they will go on for years.


My advice is to do some soul searching and figure out why your so hurt. If it is something you did then you have to accept it and forgive yourself for doing it. Somethings in life cannot be changed or redone you have to live with it.


If it is something that someone else did to you then you have to accept this and learn to forgive them. Forgiveness and compassion are two keys to healing old wounds and scars. It has taken my whole life to figure out this tid bit of knowledge because I did have many scars from the past. God knows I may still have a few that have not popped up yet. *uhg* (I hope not)



Hubman 8)

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i think ''time makes us stonger inorder to heal'', after we have been hurt we are weaker, so time gives gives us the chance to become stronger and thereforeeee making able to heal.

i dont know whether that maked any sense to you, i dont think i explained it very well sorry.


~LJ =;

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