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I want to start dating again - how to attract women


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I have came out of a 4 year relationship. I am not fully over her yet, so don't want to get into a relationship again because it wouldn't be fair on my new partner.


However I do want to start dating again. So I can see who is really out there, and who might be interested in me! And even better I might meet someone that makes me forget about my feelings for my ex. I have never tried to "pull" simply because I met my ex at school.


I am now 20 and want to attract/ meet women my age. Where should I go and how can I do this. I don't want to meet girls at clubs ideally, simply because I don't want them seeing me through "beer goggles".


thanks in advance

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Please understand me when I say I am simply looking to date. I'm not over my ex completely, but I don't want her back I want to start a new relationship in time I just don't want to jump right into it. But I want to ease myself into it by dating for a while. When I say I'm not ever her, I feel that the last step is meeting some one new that I can feel a connection with. I am ready to move on, to completely get over her now.


so advice is greatly welcomed..

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you can meet women everywhere- at the university, at the bookstore, at the coffeeshop. eye contact is the first step. when you see a girl you like- try to make an eye contact to catch her attention. and smile. to let her know you appreciate the way she looks

from there on it will follow

but you are right to not be in a hurry to jump into a relationship right now. what you need is to meet new people and make new contacts

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Dating will not help you get past your ex.


In fact, this is a horrible ticking time bomb waiting to explode. Because you arent over your ex, your ego is likely going to jump at the first sign of attention. Before you know it, you are in a full blown rebound relationship despite only wanting to date.


And women dont always want the guy that just got out of a relationship. No one likes being the rebound. Girls especially (Ladies, chime in if Im wrong)


If you really crave "attention" from others, hit the bars/clubs. Getting hit on without writing a story about why someone should send you an online message is far more fun

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