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Dreamt of my ex... can't stop thinking about him :(

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I had a dream that I was with my ex and we were having a great time!

He was smiling at me and I was feeling really happy in my dream. All I could think of was how sweet he was and how nice and how he makes me feel so happy and warm inside.


Then I woke up. And remembered how he treated me and that he's an ass.

But that didn't stop me thinking about him...


We went NC two weeks ago today. I thought that would be enough for me to forget him.

But apparently it's not...


I still get really mad when I think about how he treated me, I still cry at times because I miss him (that's not as frequent as it was the first week though), and I still feel like he's somehow here.

For 16 months, I felt like he was there looking out for me and he was. He's not anymore and I want to accept that and move on but I still feel like somehow he's still here, still looking after me.


Everytime I walk through the train station (which is everyday), I wonder if I'll bump into him and it all reminds me of him.


When will this stop? when will I stop thinking about him?

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I have dreams about my ex from time to time. It can be very hard, sometimes the dreams are about her finding someone new or how I failed her. Sometimes they are about her coming back into my life. One dream she was sitting on the edge of my bed apologizing to me for ruining us. After I wake from the dreams it usually makes me fairly angry, I really do wish the good ones would come true.


When feelings linger it can be very hard to forget someone, but in time you will learn to do so. When someone worthy of your love enters your life the memory of your ex should fade pretty quickly.

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I had two dreams about my ex last week. It was the first time I had dreamt of him since the break up nearly 6 months ago. I didn't really dwell on either dream except for the fact that both dreams put him in a bad light. What struck me as interesting was, "Why now?" I'm so much further in my healing process that it just seemed really strange that he would pop up in my dreams now. I can only assume that something in my real life triggered my subconscious that reminded me of him.


But like I said, I wouldn't allow myself to dwell on it. No use in living in the past. Gotta continue moving forward!

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When feelings linger it can be very hard to forget someone, but in time you will learn to do so. When someone worthy of your love enters your life the memory of your ex should fade pretty quickly.


Amen! Lots of keys to success here. Here's how I get over my exes - maybe it can help you (any of you)?


First, I had to give myself permission to move on to someone else. When my ex left me, I still had strong feelings for her, including a very deep loyalty. She was my girlfriend, but before that, she was my friend for 5 years. Next, I told myself that there was someone better out there for me. At first, I honestly did not believe myself! But in time, that "lie" became my truth. After all, "We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be" (Kurt Vonnegut). So now we are at where I am currently. I know there's someone better out there for me, and I've got my eyes open for the possibilities all around me. I think that meeting someone new is the final step.


Hope it happens soon for all of us! Best of luck!

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I know how you feel, it's hard for me to stop thinking about my ex. I don't have any specific thoughts about him because I try to block them away, but since I wake up he is in my mind. We broke up about 2 months ago, and I also wonder when will it come the day that I won't anymore. It takes time, I guess 2 weeks is just the begging. Hang in there. Time will take care of this and for now try to control your thoughts!

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