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DO girls like moody guys


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Moodiness is not attractive, no. But it's human nature to not be consistent in mood all the time. You'd have to be on happy pills not to have a stressy day every here and there. There's nothing attractive about it, but I hate when people expect that I'm always going to be big ball of fun with a giant smile plastered all over my face.


It all depends on how you handle it. People are much more forgiving when you take the time to explain the source(i.e., "Ugh, my boss just gave me a talking-to", or "I was stuck in traffic for freaking 2 hours", etc). Hey, I don't know...What kind of moodiness ARE you talking about?


If your moods are swinging with no obvious source, then I would talk to your GP and maybe learn some relaxation exercises and ways to distract yourself. The mind at work is a ridiculous thing. I like to distract myself with painting and pampering myself. It lifts my mood.

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Let me get this straight.


If you're moody, you complain 24/7 such as "Are we there yet? I'm hungry." Couple minutes later. "I'm starving, I haven't eaten all day. Oh my god, do you know how many calories is that? Ugh, you're making me sick." Then yeah. that's very unattractive.


If you're moody, due to a situation or a problem. "I'm very sad today because my friend said something to hit my insecurity really bad." Then yea I can see it as a fix it problem and that I don't consider such a bad moody like the one above.

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Moody people, as in people who are consistently down in mood or gruff and abrasive, IMO are not fully mentally healthy.


To me, humans are a measure of all moods/feelings. I think the idea we should never be negative is just pop psychology. Negative reactions/feelings are just natural in some cases. If somebody hits you, one naturally gets angry. If one's favourite sports team loses a game, one gets miffed. Again, natural, normal and healthy. Negativity IMO is bad if it's persistent. Emotions should be in flux, and even consistent happiness is bad IMO.


I'm not a woman, but if I were I would avoid a moody man like the plague. life is too short to be burdened by negative feelings and emotions.

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Chicks love it. Just watch Twilight.


I tend to be moody. Usually it's brought on by feeling like someone's taking advantage of me, but I don't take it out on people that aren't involved - those people, I might just be quiet around or vent to. The ones taking advantage of me, I can be sort of a jerk to.


Sometimes I'm just "on" all day long, joking, smiling and laughing, and some days I'm just quiet and to myself. Maybe I'm super tired. Maybe I have a lot on my mind. But I don't blow everyone off - I'll say hi and if they talk I'll listen, but I'm not always in the joking around/laughing mood. Nobody's "on" all the time.

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