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What truly annoying habit or quirk does or did your S.O. or ex have?


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I can come up with at least 3 for every boyfriend I've had...


Ex #1:


- Way too effeminate (later turned out to be bisexual #-o)

- Too into mainstream pop culture for me. We fought a lot over music, TV, movies, etc and other stupid things

- Constantly lied about even the smallest, most insignificant things


Ex #2:


- Played World of Warcraft OBSESSIVELY

- Had horrible personal hygiene (sometimes wouldn't even shower before I visited him)

- Always wore this stupid hat that was just as grungy as he was, I don't think he ever took it off


Ex #3:


- Terrible grammar and spelling. And I mean REALLY bad.

- Called often...but then would want to talk for hours. And if we ran out of things to say, he'd want to just sit there in silence with me. Not only annoying, but creepy too...

- Had a weird obsession with tracking and predicting weather


Current boyfriend:


- Can never remember who actors are. I get kind of sick of repeatedly telling him "That's not Stephen Fry, it's Michael Caine" or whoever it may be

- Plays video games a lot...but at least they aren't as bad as World of Warcraft

- If I get mad at him, he wants to cuddle and apologize, when I keep telling him I just need some space to get over whatever's bothering me. He's getting better with it, but his gut instinct is to be affectionate to make up for it, but that's not how I get over things.

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