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I have no idea what im doing anymore...


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Im in my first year at a pretty good university. I am taking my B.Sc and am strugling. In high school i had an 85% average and came into university. My goal was to become a doctor. i was harsh failing my calculus course in first term which shattered all my motivation I had in school because I found out I couldnt do medical school with that fail along with my other average grades. I never had a back up plan and I have no idea what I want to do. I ended up failing 2 of 4 classes and I passes one of them by 1%. I am in my 2nd term and still cant bring myself to get motivated. I dont even know if I want to go to school anymore. I have been searching and searching and can not find a career path that appeals to me. Whenever i think about my future or my current status in my classes i feel depressed. I dont feel comfortable woth talking about any of this to family or friends which is why I am on here. I have no idea where to go from here. I cant bring myself to put in all the work with out a clear goal. im sure I sound like a lazy piece of * * * * but I just feel deprssed and have no idea what to do. Im sorry for the rambling and repeatitiveness but Im too confused to say how im feeling clearly.

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Is it that you no longer want to go to medical school? Or is it that you think you can't anymore because you failed a class or two?


If it makes you feel better... many, MANY very bright people fail calculus the first time they take it. It's a different way of thinking... it happens. In NO way does that mean that you can't go to medical school. What it means is that you have to take the class again and work at increasing your grades. Maybe it means that you will have to do an extra semester or so... but it's really not the end of the world.


I think you are putting too much pressure on yourself. WAAAAY too much pressure. You are not perfect - and that is ok. You WILL stumble along the way. Don't worry about it. Who cares if you have to take a few extra semesters?? In the grand scheme of things, it's not a big deal. Besides... if these things were easy, everybody would do it.


Personally, I think you should stay in school and continue doing your B.Sc. At least until you figure out something else you want to do. A degree (ANY degree) will help you to get a better job/make more money and a B.Sc. opens MANY more doors than just about any other degree.


I think you should just go study, relax, and in your spare time think about what you want to do. And stop pressuring yourself. You'll figure it out. It will be ok.


*supportive internet stranger hugs*

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Talk with your adviser you can probably retake the class and ask to have the other one dropped. If it's truly what you want to do you'll find a way to make it happen but the first stop is to talk with your adviser they know the ins and outs of your program and the college.

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