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Hate being fat pt 2

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Well this week i did set a realistic goal but i didnt even keep it. I said i was gonna walk every night, but im not sure but i didnt keep it. I have been really tired and stressed out latley but i cant let that be my excuse. That should be a reason for me to go out and walk.


What I am going to do is take suggestions of what I should do for this weelk as a realistic goal to get started on the right path and then i will do the suggestion that is most popular. That is if anyone replies.


Thanks for helping me

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I would suggest not setting a goal of walking every night, you'll get bored of that very easily. Perhaps just set a goal of walking a only a few times a week. Add in other forms of exercise on days you're not walking. Add aerobics, dance lessons, jogging, bicycling, strength training, martial arts, or a sports activities if you can.


Try to have fun when you exercise. I'm looking into getting a portable MP3 player so I can listen to music when I run.

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I am in the same boat as you. I am overwieght and I hate it. I hate the way I look, I hate the way people look at me (or the way I think they look at me). I am miserable. I want to feel beautiful again. But I seem to lack will power to keep up with diets and excercise.


Well, my friend gave me a great idea that has been working so far. You simply write down all the reasons why you want to loose weight, even the simple ones. My list is very long and every moment of the day I remember at least one item on the list and think "I need to go to the gym so I can......."


In addition, like the other person said, you don't have to just walk. Try to change it up and keep it fun (I know a lot harder than it sounds). Swimming is a great excercise -- go work out with a buddy to keep you motivated, or listen to music and time will fly by. I havefound that I can put in a cd and stay on the stair machie or an hour before I realized where the time has gone.


The last thing to realize is that weight loss is an on-going process. i read in an article that it is unhealthy to lose more than 2 pounds per week, if you do, you are actually burning muscle tissue. If you lose less than that, just keep on persevering, it will come off -- now all i have to do is take my own advice

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Don't despair - obviously, this wasn't a manageable goal for you this week. Here are some ideas:


1) Take at least one bike ride

2) Take a dog for a walk (if you don't have one, how about a neighbor's?)

3) Go swimming (an incredible stress alleviator!)

4) Make at least one of your meals "meatless"

5) Do some yardwork

6) Do some yardwork for a family member, or a senior who could use the help

7) Have one hour totally to yourself, completely private, turn up the music and DANCE.


You could take several of these ideas and work them into this week.

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Don't despair - obviously, this wasn't a manageable goal for you this week. Here are some ideas:


1) Take at least one bike ride

2) Take a dog for a walk (if you don't have one, how about a neighbor's?)

3) Go swimming (an incredible stress alleviator!)

4) Make at least one of your meals "meatless"

5) Do some yardwork

6) Do some yardwork for a family member, or a senior who could use the help

7) Have one hour totally to yourself, completely private, turn up the music and DANCE.


You could take several of these ideas and work them into this week.


Those are good tips, and I already do them, so If I can do them, I don't see why anyone can't.


Also, you can do jumping jacks in the morning...or anything that gets you heart pumping..

when you walk, try to walk up hill..


here is what you SHOULDN'T eat...


Anyhing Fried

Chips (replace chips with baked chips)

Soda (Drink O.J instead, water is always better)

MAYO, mayo is just eggs with oil, and has tons of fat, don't eat mayo at all, not even a drop.


Thats just to help, hope you build on from all these lists...

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ok i think I have figured out what I am gonna do until i get some money to buy some stuff like a bike and jump rope and ab cruncher.


I am just gonna still eat what I want but eat it in smaller portions. I know two people that do this and they have a some good results.


Thanks for all of your suggestions


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Just a few suggestions that work for me -


I started using my feet as a method of transportation - sometimes its impossible cuz u have too far to go. But to walk to work it takes me an hour every day - So I make sure I walk at least ONE way there, maybe even both. I used to bike - but my bike tire blew - thats when I said "well, I'm walkin"


I always carry my discman with me wherever I go - it makes walking more fun - I will walk down the road singing along ot my fave tunes - and I don't care what anyone thinks.


I try to swim at least once a week.


Plan 2 healthy meals a day - with veggies and non greasy food - for your 3rd meal you can eat whatever you want


One more thing - whatever you decide to do - keep it up. Don't give up - they say that after 28 days of doing somtehing - it becomes a habit - so keep it up, whether you are walking or jogging or biking - just keep doing it - at least 3 times a week. After awhile it will be a part of your daily routine.

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Another thing is - completely change the way you are looking at how you are going to accomplish your goals. I know you feel like there is a lot of work to do before you will see results, and that it will take a looooong time. Look at it this way: that time is going to pass by anyway. When I was considering going back to college, I was daunted by how long it would take me to get my degree. My mom said "The time is going to go by anyway, and at the end of that time, you will have your degree." She was right, and after a loooong time, I got that degree!


So - six months, a year, whatever - that time is going to go by...and if you are working towards a better physique and mindset, you will see results at the end of that time, as opposed to still being miserable a year later because nothing has changed...except your health might have gotten worse.


I'll never forget the story of a girl I met a few years ago. She was a friend of a friend, we were picking her up at her house on our way to go out dancing and it was my first time meeting her. She was absolutely drop dead gorgeous - her body was phenomenal, incredibly fit and toned. I complimented her later that evening on it, and said that I admired the kind of dedication it takes to keep a body fit like that. She said to me, and I'll never forget this: "You know something? Two years ago I weighed over 200 pounds. I had always been overweight, actually. One day, I decided to join a gym. I kept at it, even though I felt embarrassed around the other people, and eventually, I not only started dropping weight, but started to develop muscles for the first time in my life. People started complimenting me on it, and I started to get even more serious about working out. Eventually, I entered a contest for people who made the most noticeable transformation to their body, and I won! Then I entered more fitness contests, and would place high or win those too. But I will never forget that I wasn't born with this will-power or determination or terrific body. I worked for it, and it not only transformed my body, but my entire self-esteem."


Isn't that amazing? The point is, we all have the power inside to create our own miracles. With patience, self-love & self-encouragement, we can truly be our best motivators.


Jamie, you can accomplish this, too.

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don't spend money on things you don't need....

You don't need a jump rope, and ab cruncher...


For abs lay flat on your back, and then lift both your legs at a 45% angle, then move them up and down, don't raise your head....this exersice is far the best I've seen for abs. (without a machine)

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You're welcome - I'm motivating myself, too! I'm in the process of introducing a serious weight-training routine to my life, something long overdue. Sometimes, when I look in the mirror, it feels like I've set an unattainable goal for myself, but then I remember that girl's story, and I know I can do it.


Like Ghost says, you can do it too, without spending money, or at least not much. Sit-ups and lunges and this beautiful planet with it's many streets and paths to walk on are all free. If you want a bike, look around at garage sales. Start with something serviceable and cheap.


Don't forget the most wonderful thing of all - you have two healthy legs to walk on. Can you imagine if you didn't? Use your gifts and thank God for them everyday. Focus on your blessings. Take your beautiful baby out in the sunshine with you. (if you don't have a baby backpack or carriage, look in the papers for used ones, go to thrift shops, or even find out if there is an organization that gives them away for free to low-income people. And don't be ashamed of your current financial situation - many of us have been there. And things will improve.)

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Walking and a proper diet (I'm not talking about stupid fad diets like this no-carb crap) worked for me! I lost 50lbs in 5 months, but gained it back and then some when I returned to college... my tip, DO NOT LET UP. I got depressed and regressed back to my old habits.


I'm really alone.

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