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My best friends X, i like her...!!!???

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well it turns out that i finally found a girl that i like. The only problem is that, she is my best friends X(she dumped him). I mean i dont want to hurt hes feelings, and he dosn't even know of any of this. ive just been chatting over the phone and the internet with her. she is a real doll, and its so wrong for me to do this. She told me that we should just wait until the hole thing blows of with her X(my best friend) until we start getting intiment. but sooner or later hes gonna find out, i mean we all go to the same school, how will he not know, and how should i go about keeping him my friend, and hes X my girl, i know it sounds wrong but even though ive known my friend a lot longer than this girl, just to be with her i would risk me and my friends relationship. i already know that he feels really bad right now becuase of them breaking up, so i figured i would get him hooked up with somebody, or maybe bust open a computer monitor with him to blow of some steam. but all in all i cant help feeling bad because of what he is feeling. but i still intend to be with this girl. i think. what should i do?

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For now do what she said and wait until everything does blow over but when it does you need to tell him. It's better for him to hear it from you than someone else especially if you are best friends.


He may b hurt that his best friend never told him so even when it does blow over you still got to tell him yourself. If you two are close then he should understand if you tell him but i don't think he will be as understanding if he finds out from someone else.

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You're opening up a big can of trouble if you go after your best friend's ex. Try to put yourself in his shoes, and see how you'd feel if he did that to you? There are millions of other girls out there for you to like. I strongly advise you pursue one of them instead.

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well thanks for your help guys. anyway, last night i talked to her for like 7 hours strait and did all this stuff, like we both put salt on hour arms then ice it. haha, im not really sure why, but we did. anyway though, she sais that im one of the only guys that she can talk to like that, and i couldn't help but notice the same about her. I like her.

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ok well, weve been talking and stuff, and we are planning on meeting this weekend. i dont know whats gonna happen with me and my friend, but i gotta be with girl. I am in love with this girl, and she is with me. but im gonna meet her this weekend and talk to her parents and all that stuff, i thin ill take her and buy her a coffee or something. anyway though, ill post on what happens. and thanks crvidales lol, well hopefull things will fall into place.

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Well.. this happened once to me, my best friend got her first kiss from this guy.. so she really liked him.. and blah blah blah.. they went out, broke up.. and i was supposed to try to hook them back up one night.. but she ended up not being able to make it to my house, but he still did.. so i ended up relizing that i like him.. alot.. and that night we talked on the phone.. and we ended up going out.. i felt sooo bad.. because i didnt want to hurt my best friend, but i told her right away, and she eventually got over it.. so now, we've been dating for 6 monthes.. so everything should turn out okay.. just tell your friend that it would be for the best.. because you relized that you love each other aw. but my friend relized that she really didnt like him anymore and she found alot of things she didnt like about him... but it will cause a little friction in the friendship.. so its your choice...

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Well see the thing is I am in the same problem but I am the one in the middle in otherwords I like my ex boyfriends best friend or from at least what they tell me. I feel very uncomfortable about going out with his friend its just that he treats me alot better than my ex does he is real nice guy and truly I think I love him. I just think you should give it time and not rush things let things fall into place.

Jopo the way she feels for you is the way I feel for my ex bf friend, but yet I still like my ex.

Crvidales- hopefully you get your prayers answered just not right now, give it time

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok well i believe things finally started working, my friend found out. he was really mad at first but eventually started to wont to talk to me again. i still see this girl. i found another girl that i liked, but now i know that i like this girl that ive been trying to get with. i still have a few questions but they will go in another section. but thanks for all of ur help we are now seeing each other

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