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Slept with my ex last week. Confused

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It has been over 6 weeks since she broke up with me. We have stayed in limited contact. We had some things which needed to be taken care of and some other stuff we needed to do together. After a month of not seeing each other, we finally got together to take care of some business. It went well. We get along great now. I have not begged her to come back or told her I love her and things like that. Last week we met again at her place. Somehow we started talking about the things we missed about each other. She started rubbing my arm and asked me if I wanted to stay over. I did. It was a wonderful night. We held each other and kissed and just enjoyed being with each other. Later that night she said she couldn't sleep and I could go home if I wanted to. I stayed. In the morning she snuggled up to me and said she felt guilty, and that this doesn't mean that we're back together. I agreed with her and told her I didn't think it was a good idea for us to get back together right now. (Even though I want to so badly). When I left she gave me a big hug and a big kiss on the lips. I saw her again this Sunday at church. We had to teach a class together. Her friend was with her, and she told me that my ex had a dream that I wasn't going to show up on Sunday and asked if I had called her Saturday night. Weird. We went to brunch afterwards and had a good time. Later that day my ex and I went to the driving range. She was friendly but distant. I gave her a hug goodbye, and that's the last I've seen of her. I know it hasn't even been a day, but I want to know what she's thinking. I am getting mixed signals from her. I want to get back together with her, but right now I don't know if she wants to. Any input would be helpful. Especially from a girl's point of view.

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im a guy,however,my ex broke it off with me almost 2 years link removed was messy.but after a couple of months we ended up sleeping together link removed (the sex)has only happened 3 or 4 times since then.when she (might think)that im past the breakup and or over it,she is very sweet. comes over and watches movies with me.and if i respond she gets mean all over again acting like i am a burden and that she doesnt want to lead me on etc etc.i had nc with her for 6 months and when i talked to her again she said she got her heart broken by some guy etc etc etc.mixed signals......yes,i guess?

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electricekcentric, the way she is speaking of things....it sounds like she is still unsure what she wants to do. so when she thinks you're ok, she feels more comfortable, no guilt. but if you go to her or show her attention her defenses come crashing down. so she lashes out at you. i've been on the receiving end of "i'm a burden for you". it's code for "i can't give you what you want", 99% of the time a commitment.


The whole push-pull thing is so not healthy for you. Remove sex from the list of things you will do with your ex right now.

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