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When an x-friend goes too far!


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Not sure if i'm posting in the right place but here it goes....So had a massive fight with my two ex-best friends (that i've known for 20 years), they defriended me on facebook and everything, needless to say we will never be friends again. They have been having their friends and family defriend me as well, I don't play into this, I just ignore it.


However this morning I went on fb, and saw that one of them (the crazy one) friended a guy I dated about two years ago (who I had a hard time getting over, but now am well over him), whom she never met! Now I do not know what this girl is capable of and am aware that this guy has a gf now, (as a side note: I am not fb friends with him). So I emailed him on fb, and advised him to defriend her, since she's very capable of causing a lot of problems. Just hope I did the right thing, and he doesn't read my email as anything more than a heads up about this girl!

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If you are not friends with her on FB and you are not friends with him on FB... how did... ohhhh... you are FB stalking. LOL!


Stop doing that. Seriously.


By emailing him on FB and telling him to defriend her when you aren't even FB friends with him YOURSELF... well... that's creepy. I would be creeped out by someone who I was not friends with emailing me telling me they knew what was going on with my profile.


Beyond that... how do you know that they didn't just meet at a club or something? Or through other friends? It's a small world, you know...


Stop paying attention to people who are not your friends. Stop looking them up on FB. Stop worrying about what they are doing.


If you MUST expend energy thinking about these people... do you think it's an indication that you care? I don't know what happened between you.... but can you try to smooth things over instead? Just a thought...

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I actually saw on her fb page that she friended him, not on his....and in the email i told him that she's been friending a bunch of ppl i used to know...I really think it'd be dangerous for him to stay friends with her, she's capable of a lot, and I don't care too much what he thinks of me as long as he defriends her for his own good. btw positive they did not meet in a club or anything, she does not go out, she has two kids and a husband, and anyway he lives way too far from her for them to have had a chane meeting...i know how she operates, this was done to hurt me.


No way to mend the friendship now, too much has gone down between us...this is just one of the many things that she's done to hurt me.

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If she's doing it just to get to you, it's a shame that it worked. I'd also wonder why a friend from the past would email me to warn me about something they could have only known about by snooping around facebook. This doesn't seem like a healthy way to spend your time....have faith in your friends that they're smart enough to make their own choices and don't feed into the negative energy by monitoring what she's up to or who she's "friending".

My 2 cents.

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