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How to be more aggressive when making out

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Hey guys,


well now I'm confident with kissing, but when my boyfriend & I were making out yesterday he said for me to be more aggressive with him. I'm still sorta new with this though so I didn't really know what to do..I tried rubbing my hand down his back and through his hair while kissing, but I don't really know what you guys like (and I couldn't really ask him or else it would ruin the moment.) I think he liked it afterwards, but any tips would help, to make kissing more enjoyable for him!





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hey! ok im not a guy...but i think me n my bf have some pretty good make out moments lol. when he says aggressive i think he means a good way to start would be makin the first move sometimes. initiate it, you should want it, and itll turn him on. another thing that ive noticed my bf loves is when i suck on his tongue, like literally lol. when his tongue is in your mouth suck on it and use your tongue to massage it. when he says aggressive he probably means more tongue and making the first move. and yes using your hands more is great, now i dont know how far you go with your guy right now, but maybe taking his hand and placing it somehwere you know he would like might be something he would enjoy as well.


but mainly, it seems he wants more aggressiveness right, so be more aggressive, make the first move a little more, add tongue and add touching now and then. have fun!!

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Hey thanks, that's great! I think you're right about that actually, because I usually let him make the first move..I guess it's only fair I try sometimes as well though.


Thanks again, if anyone has any more tips though, feel free. =)


See ya,



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kiss with force, like sink your tongue in deep and do wide circles in his mouth...then pull back so that you're lips and tongues are barely touching, but still enough for it to be a kiss...then when he' not expecting it, go back to being forceful, push into him. running your hands through his hair and down his back are good. nibble on his ear lobe and lick just below it too. lick around his adams apple and suck on it a bit. then make a trail with your tongue. he'll enjoy it, i promise.

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