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This is more like a rant but anyway lol I've been running every other day 2miles in 20min for about 3 weeks now but I've only lost one pound. My family (& me have) noticed though that I'm standing up straighter now and look leaner (although I've only lost a pound). Running the 2 miles though was hard at first but now it is almost easy.


Today after work I went for a run and needed to release some stress so instead of jogging I picked up the pace a bit and cut 2min from my time.

Did I burn the same amount of calories though even though I ran it faster? I read somewhere (but I think I have it confused perhaps) that you can walk or run the same distance yet still burn the same amount of calories, is that true?


I was thinking the next time I run I could go twice around my route so that would be 4miles. And then the days when I don't have time to go twice around I could just jog faster like I did today. Would that help me lose more weight?

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Hi. You should set yourself a goal. I've started running for about a month now, and i've lost lots of weight. They say the way to do it is to run at a constant pace for 10 mins or so, then speed up a bit, then slow down. Try to keep your heart pumping for the max amount of time. I dont bother to weigh myself, instead i do the ol "loose clothes" test. When my pants started falling down, i knew i was losing weight. It becomes a kind of hobby. Dont push yourself into running too far, that's how you hurt yourself. Do it step by step. You've only been doing it for 3 weeks now, that's still a basic teething stage Keep going though, you're doing well. Hope i've helped.

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Its good to see that you are running cranberry.


Yes, basically the distance is the ultimate factor. You burn basically the same amount of claories whether u walk,jog or run it. but obviously the faster you do it, the better of an achievement it is.


Don't think of it just as a benefit to lose weight. Like u said yourself, people think your posture has improved, and your leaner. The weight might come off slowly at first as you might be putting on a bit of muscle (or at least toughening your muscle), which weighs more than fat, hence even though you are losing fat you are balancing it with the extra muscle weight.


Make sure u spend at least 20mins running at least 3 times a week. Try to increase the distance weekly.


Your doing great. Keep it up.

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Hey Cranberry,

I also do the intense 20 minutes every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday on a treadmill. The distance doesn't really matter. It all has to do with making progress and getting a little more intense over time. I do about 2.15 miles in 20 minutes now. When I weighed the most, I only did about 1.6 miles in 20 minutes. I do the interval training ( I follow the body for life program by Bill Phillips). It's all about sticking with it long term, by eating healthy and exercising. Just do it consistently. I've come to love running because after you do it for a while, you get used to it, and you'll be able to run harder over time. I've lost almost 60 lbs. since January 12th of this year (started at 270 lbs., I'm now around 210 lbs., I'm 6' tall). You'll definitely get a lot more benefit out of running intensely in shorter amount of time instead of taking it easy for a longer time. Another thing that really helps is cranking some tunes while halling a!!


Keep it up!!

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Hey thanks for the replies guys! You are so motivating.

Today I increased my route a bit and upped it to a 32min jog. I didn't go fast today because I felt really tired...went to bed too late...(I just went my regular speed--jogging speed). I'll save the fast-jog for when I need it aka when I need to release some stress (which will probably be very soon lol).


I knew that about muscle weighing the same as or more than fat but I totally forgot about that until you (JonnyG) said that. So that definitely makes sense. I got some pictures of myself developed just the other day and I was so happy because I looked so much better than when I did last month (from the pictures of me last month). Seeing those pics was definitely a confidence & motivation boost.

warnerbro1...Yes I agree, I also have come to love running. Running and listening to music is the best. You get lost in the music and thinking about stuff and before you know it you've already been running for 20min.


I am definitely going to keep this up and am waiting patiently for some more physical benefits although feeling great is a benefit on its own. warnerbro1 you keep it up too, lol, losing 60lbs is awesome!

Thanks again.

If you have any other comments/input I'd still like to hear them though

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I run about almost and hour everyday with a 5-10 minute brake in between....

I haven't lost much, but I noticed I got a bit stronger..and yes, my posture did improve..



at first....I could only do on or 2 laps none stop...now I can't even keep track on them...


here is a tip that worked for me...

When you run fast and get tired really fast, don't stop imediately, slow down then walk really fast, always have your heart beating.


I jog, and once a week I do extreme running....where I run for 15-20 minutes non-stop, then the next day I get pain in my feet, but I also feel faster (don't worry it's the good pain )

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  • 3 weeks later...

Again this is more of a rant but anywho...

Lately I'm getting really sick of running/jogging. A couple of weeks ago I missed my run I think for two or three days and then when I finally ran it was really hard to do it. Then I missed it again for two days and ever since then I can run for about 20min but then when it gets more than that I don't get cramps I just get tired, my legs start to feel weak, and I have to stop to walk a bit. Then after I've walked for five min or so and start to run again then I get a cramp in my stomach (but I continue running the rest of the way home, which is about 10min). This has been going on for about a week and a half.

Why am I getting so tired now when before I could run the whole 30min or so just fine? How can missing a few days mess me all up?


So this is what I am planning to do. I am going to switch to rollerblading (for 4miles which takes me about 35min) on some days and doing 20min (2mile) fast-jogs on other days instead. What do you all think? Any input would be great.



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