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When will memories from the past stop haunting me?

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Memories from the past keeps haunting me, everywhere I go, at certain times of the day. So many things would remind me of the people that I’ve gone to certain place with, so many things would also remind me of the things that I have done with certain people as well. I cannot tolerate spending time at a place where memories keeps coming back to haunt me. I feel like I have been trapped in a cage; a cage where I’m on locked down, my arms and legs are locked up, my body is in a fetal position, and I am staring out of the glass cage, at the memories that keeps haunting me from my past. Constant memories of my ex-boyfriends and I keeps rolling around in my mind and it drives me crazy each and every time. It has been three or four years max since my first boyfriend and a few days since my last boyfriend and I were together. There has been a lot of memories between all of my ex-boyfriends as well as dates within the last five years or so, and yet all of those memories have pretty much the same effect on me, it doesn’t even matter which ex-boyfriend a particular memory is all about. How long will it take these memories from the past to stop haunting me? Will I ever meet someone new if I am not able to get over these memories from the past? Can I let go of these memories and create new memories with someone else?

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