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Armed forced ldr - im so confused. Need some help. Gf broke up with me.


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I'll try and sum up the story in a few points.


1. Girl has been dating a guy for about a year or so. She loved him I think. He loved her, but his family didn't approve of her. He's a mama's boy, and his brother's don't like her as well. He's supposedly has a family friend the families want him to marry, so the family is really, really against it. He isn't against it though, and has told her that he'll fight for it. They end things on good terms, cause of the whole family mess.


2. I've been friends with her for a year too. We would flirt back and forth while she was with this guy, and when they actually ended, we started talking everyday for hours. Spoke for a few months night and day, things were going well.


3. I'm in the Armed Forces, so we have a LDR. I came to visit her one weekend, it went really well. We had sex, was great.


4. She's pretty close with her family, and I dated her bestfriend when I was younger. Her BF found out about this, and was very against it. Her BF and her are like family, grew up together, the whole nine. She wanted some space cause of this mess, so I gave it to her.


5. A few weeks later, she was telling me she was having second thoughts and may want to get back with me. Then she texted me that I'm so nice, so great, etc., and then I started to tell her I miss her. Things were slowly getting better. Then I find out, she stops talking to me for a week, and also found out she has had contact with her ex, who lives in her city, so he's right there. Now she's saying she wants to end it and cease all contact. I was thinking she may go back with her ex, but his family is not going to approve.


I really like this girl, but what's killing me is that she wants to end all communication. I'm not around right now, I'm doing my own thing, and I feel as if we cut all communication, and since we live in separate states, we'll never see each other. If I want her back, I was hoping to keep some kind of communication open. Let her do her thing, let me do my thing, and if things are meant to be, they will be. I'm not a jealous type of guy, if she gets back with her ex, and it works out for them, great! In the mean time, I'll keep my options open. I just felt this connection with her, and I truly feel that her ex is not a good guy, and he cheated on her already, so he's going to mess this up, and hopefully if we're still in communication, she'll possibly reconsider this. If im there, then that's great, if I moved on, then it's to bad for her. It just hurts a little because even more then a girl, she was like a really good friend, so I kinda just miss the small talk. It also sucks being away from family and friends, so you get extra lonely.


Anyway, any advice is appreciated!

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Cut all communication and let her finish her old business. You'll never have a good relationship unless and until she does that. You don't want to be someone's fall-back guy--you deserve better. Let her come back to you on her own if she's going to. Either she gets over the ex in her own time and on her own, or she doesn't, in which case she's not even relationship material in the first place.


Head high.

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