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I am in a very large age gap relationship but in spite of all the "what about this and what if that" questions we had to come to terms with, neither of us have any doubts or regrets. He is 31 and I am ( get ready) 63...and no hes not out for my money. I dont have any. We have been together now for over 2 years and still as sure as ever that we are a perfect match .

I will be honest, it makes us both sad to think of the reality of the future. I would have loved to be his age so we could have many more years together , but like he says " I could die tomorrow and you could live 20 more years . We have NOW so lets enjoy it because to think of life without you is something I dont want to think about." So, thats what were doing. I couldnt be happier and we both feel we have found in each other that soulmate, friend, lover, companion, and person that most people wish they could find, but rarely do. We like the same things, have the same sense of humor, beliefs, dislikes etc, sex is great, we can talk about anything and everything, and just like being together.

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HI and welcome to Enotalone.com!



My feelings on this is as long as your both happy with the situation then all is good. I agree with your boyfriend that you should enjoy the time you have together now and take it day by day.


As a side note my best friend is 32 and he is living with a woman that is ready ... 56. They bought a house together, cars, everything except the marriage certificate. They are soul mates and I cannot imagine him with anyone else. Plus after five minutes spent with them you forget the age difference.



I wish I could say I found my soulmate! Enjoy all the time you have now together and worry about the future as it comes.



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I say well done, and if you are both happy then go for it!, people today are to readily to condem people in older/ younger relationships, or any kind of relationship that doesnt suit the society of today!!


good luck and many more good years to you both!

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