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ok, i think i may be in alot of trouble, lol.


there is this girl who i have been friends with for a year or two now. She is attractive, smart, funny, and outgoing. i always considered us to be friends, and as time passed we became better friends. now we are really close. we went to our high school prom together, as friends, in june. and since then i have developed serious feelings for her, but she has had a boyfriend since february. we r really close, we talk everyday, see eachother everyday, she comes to see me when im at work and i do the same.


In late june, after an interigation by her over msn, i confessed that i may have feelings that were more than friends. i told her i wasnt sure how i felt about her anymore, and since than we have become even closer. and i am almost positive she shares my feelings.


So i have a problem, maybe two.


1) Have i already gone to far considering she has a boyfriend?


2) What can i do that will result in us getting together soon?

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Well if she is happy with her BF then you shoudnt pry too far into developing a relationship yet. If she is always coming to you with problems with him then maybe you could tell her that she should leave him. Not for you but just leave him. I was in a similar situation with my friend. She was in a bad relationship and me and her kept getting closer. She knew that I had feelings for her and 1 time i even kissed her while she was still with him I was always there for her and was sweet and caring towards her. I got her little somethings for her B-Day and other occasions. We ended up together and are happy now. Just be her friend for now and be there for her. She may see that you would be the one for her. Good luck to you.

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I think you did ok in telling her how you feel. Now it will be up to her to decide if she stays with her bf or gives you a chance. I believe that when a guy has feelings for a girl it doesn't matter if she has a bf he will still go after her. You just proved me right.


Good luck

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