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No one respects me, no one fears me, I have zero friends, my boyfriend left me.


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Well It's not that I am a bad person.I am a very nice person, always nice with everyone. I had a boyfriend, who was too possessive. He was successful in cutting off my social life, which is why, when people were busy socializing, he meant the world to me, and then one fine day, he betrayed me. I was in total tears, but that's past. The point is, I have no friends, and I am very friendly, but I have no close friends. I don't know why, and it's true that at times, I don't die for one. But then there are times when I feel I should have a friend too. No one respects me. People are nice with me, but my closely working colleagues hate me in office, as they are dominating and I hate domination. So if they dominate, I tell them I dislike it and that ruins our relationship. Overall, I am politically an idiot. I can't win people in my workplace.

Please help me out.


I feel no one loves me, forget love, I feel no one likes me.

This feeling is related to some extent to the fact that I have been left by my boyfriend. He was my very first and I was dead serious about him. But he must have lost his brains to let me out of his life.

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It is not as important to know you are loved, as it is to know you are lovable. If you are a nice person and others around you can't appreciate that, then try to put yourself around people who can. Also, I think you might be assuming thoughts other people might not even have of you. Might you be a little insecure? Peace, Love and Happiness

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I'm a guy and I feel the same way, but at least have an idea of why (well not really) I don't have friends to talk to and associate with.

I have a hell of a time with "small talk", you know, talking about the weather, talking about what's on sale at the store ?? hell, I can't even tell you what small talk really is, because that's how good I am (not) at it.


But just because you have a hard time relating to people, does not make you a no-one, worthless, unloveable, unwanted, ugly, skinny, fat, too tall, too short, whatever.. we do that to ourselves.


We internalize what we think our flaws are, and say that is why other people don't like me because of those of those flaws. But, just because we're socially awkward, doesn't make us broken.


We need to find others like us. I like cartoons, I always, have, even at me age. About 3 years ago I started watching Anime after I found out about a local Anime group I didn't know exactly what to expect, but I got a surprise I certianly didn't expect. Acceptance. It didn't matter who I was, how old I was, my relationship status, sexual preference, etc. They accept people with open arms. And I found a place that I was at least comfortable spending time with. It took me a while to find a close friend there. But now I have someone who I felt like I've known her forever.

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