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How to talk to my parents...

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I just finished my first year of college and while my parents think I adjusted very well and made great friends... it's not completely true. It's true that I love my school and I've made great friends but I also started noticing changes in my mood more. I was having a really hard time studying and concentrating. I lost all motivation to do school work (which for me before this year, was not a problem). I started noticing that my moods were more dramatic that I thought and started having problems with depression. At the very end of the year I met a few times with a psychologist and psychiatrist... it was free, so hell, why not? As a peer counselor I recommend people go there all the time, so I figured I should take some of my own advice.


Although I only met a few times with the counseling department at my school, they seem to think I may have bipolar disorder or a bipolar-like illness. I have only managed to tell a few friends. A few reacted adversely as I hadn't shown my symptoms of depression to them often and my manic state was always seen as enjoyable and normal to them. I still haven't told my best girl friend from high school about any of this (we don't often discuss serious things... or maybe it's that I just don't want to tell her of my flaws.). Mostly, however, I feel I should tell my parents.


I just don't know how. How does one bring up that subject? No time is a good time. It would be so unexpected from me as they think I'm the perfect well-adjusted child. Part of me just wants to wait until I go back to school and wants to wait until after I know more about what this is. But how would I even talk about this over the phone? Any advice or encouragement would be wonderful, thanks.

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I say don't worry about what they are going to think and tell them. They will just want to help you and it's easier to tackle a problem like this with someone as opposed to going it alone.


With your best friend, I wouldn't worry about telling her either, it sounds to me like your embarrased about it. If this is the case, why should you be, its a medical problem, if you had a broken leg or appendicitis would you be embarrased about that? If she is ant sort of friend she will understand and be there for you. Be prepared, it might come as a shock to her, but she should still be there and not judge you on it.


Good luck, hope everything works out.

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I am bipolar. It is a hard thing to tell people, because it is labeled a mental disorder. People often tend to view you as weird or dangerous.


Tell them that there is nothing wrong with you. That it isn't a bad thing. You are getting help, as you would for any medical condition, and are doing well. Let them know that you need their support. Not critism or being treated weird. Nothing has changed. Your a bit depressed, and hey manic moods can be really good for getting the house cleaned.

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