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This is going back to the girl at work, which i said i would "keep" civil in my last post but now shes actually screwing with my head.


@ work she wont leave me alone, on facebook or sms she talks to me loads in a flirty fashion, but when i ask her out for dinner etc, she always ends up "busy"


this has happened about 3 times now, i took some advise from a friend and decided to blank her via txts ect to make her feel shes lossing me, and its kinda working shes constantly asking me if im alright & why i dont say hi to her online or reply to txts


but then ive got to see her at work tomorrow so the whole cycle will just happen again i suppose.


i would just go NC and move on but having to work with her is making things really anoying, its not a large company either theres literally 3/4 staff any given time.


i dont even know what im asking i just need some advise of any form because its doing my brain in >

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If when it comes down to it she's not interested in going out or 'too busy', then I'd say don't keep wasting your time/energy. Those games can be exhausting and maybe she likes the attention which is why she continues flirting, etc. You can still move on from the crush without having to full on ignore her. Block her from your im, don't respond to her texts.....if she asks why tell her you've been busy lately (hee hee)

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She may be nervous of a rel and not sure. Maybe try asking her to do something less formal than dinner. Help you buy a present for someone and then buy her coffee as thanks...


She could be screwing you round so don't let things go on for too long. But I know it takes me a long time to like someone and I have to like someone alot before I go on a date...

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Just tell her that you are kind of busy at work but you'd be happy to chat after work while getting a bite to eat. Don't be rude to her, but don't respond to her texts and the like anymore.


im gonna try this, luckily because of snow i didnt have to see her today, but 2mo is another story. but if she still gets busy or what ever stupid excuse i think im gonna do what savignon mentioned. the prob is i REALLY like this girl, but shes messing me arround and i dnt want to end up being played arround with.

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