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I feel SO Empty with out Her she was my gf and my best frien

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Im new to this so yeah ill just say what i feel


Ok i was with this girl for 2yrs i cant even remember being happy before i met her. we were great together. one of those HIGH SCHOOL WONDER COUPLES. pplz would ask us for advise and stuff. Shes the only person i feel i can tell any and everything to. well on valentines day i proposed to her and she said yes. We had plains to move out and go to SCAD to gether then move to newyork. I can put into words how i feel about her.well i had problumes at home and she didnt like the way i was being treated so she asked me to move. And i did i left my family and every one i knew because thats what i thought would make her happy. Things were fine for a while about 4 months things were great. then prom came around and i saved up alot of money for a limo a tux a dozen roses the works just me and her. Then she invites her mom to dinner with us and i was fine with that she wanted me to be nicer to her mom and try and get her to like me . well after that things at the prom were weird she didnt seem herself. The next day she tells me about an old friend named steven. and hows hes been coming over and her parents love him. I was a lil worried about him and told her that i was because he was over there doing the things i do. she told me not to and that was that . the next day she calls me up crying saying that she needs to be alone for a while that shes not going to go out with any one just she been with me for so long that she needs to see how it is with out me for a while. i was fine with that to a brake if she needed time then time i would give her. 2 days later she tells me shes with steven and i go crazy . i couldnt eat for weeks . she lied to me the one thing she promised she wouldnt do she did. she was the only person i ever trusted and she left me up here all alone with no one . well its been 3 months and i still love her . we talk now but i just cant stop loving her . steven is mad saying she dont want me talking to her . but she does anyway. i dont wanna couse a problume but i still wanna be with her what should i do. How can i get her back? how can i get over her? im just so lost right now. plz help

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Dood, that really sucks.


I am sure many of us here have felt how you feel, although you probably feel like no one could feel as bad as you.


It sucks to be lied to, taken atvantage of, most of all having your trust betrayed.


But it happened. And here you are. And you hurt like crazy. Step number one. Cut off contact with her right now. We call it NC, short for No Contact. It will be great for you, athough very hard to do. And it just might (althogh I wound't count of it) bring her back. But at the very least you will begin to heal, and build your confidence back up. It will take time, and it will be hard. But it is the only way to go right now. I wish I would have done it a LONG time ago.


So, no emails, phone calls, or anything. If she contacts you, don't reply. Tell her that you do not want anymore contact as you need time for yourself.


Good luck.


Be strong. You will make it



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