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Things to do to help you get over nostalgia...

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Find a ways to release tension.

1. going for a nice walk

2. talking to a friend on the phone

3. watching a movie

4. working out (works the best!)

5. Journaling

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6. Go for a drive.

7. Go to the store and look at things. (walmart is usually open 24 hours!)

8. Clean

9. Reorganize your closer

10. Reorganize anything in your house

11. Clean your car

12. listen to rock/rap music (no love songs)

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13. Watch funny videos on youtube

14. Play video games?

15. Go to the gym and just walk on the treadmill and listen to music. (don't focus on working out. just being out)

16. Get a pet.

17. If you already have one... play with your pet.

18. I'd suggest eating, but you might regret that in a few months, but you could go to a restaurant, drink some wine and just take your time eating something nice.

19. Make a list of things you don't like about your ex...


These are just a few suggestions. Anyone have anymore?

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Haha I'm not sure why "playing video games" has a question mark after it but...


- Take up an instrument

- Volunteer (also a good way to meet people)

- Set goals, doesn't really matter what they are but start small and enjoy the sense of accomplishment when you start checking them off the list.

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