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Thoughts on this guy?


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So I met a guy off Plenty of Fish this past Tuesday. I didn't expect anything out of it since I've had no luck on that 'site, but to my surprise this guy was really great. I'm super attracted to him physically and emotionally. I guess he feels the same way, he texted me after and said he thought I was gorgeous and that he hadn't met anyone like me.


We texted through out the week and last night had our second date. We were supposed to go skating but it was too cold. We went out for dinner, smoothies and rented a movie. We were making popcorn, and he said he wanted to hold my hand in the movie store but thought I'd be freaked out (I thought that was cute). We cuddled during the movie, and things escalated. He gave me a massage and we kissed alot. He was really respectful and it didn't go further. I had to leave before midnight b/c he had to work today. Neither of us wanted me to leave lol, we stalled getting up for an hour.. just hugged and kissed. We finally got up and couldn't stop kissing, I'd leave to go out the door and he'd pull me back for just 'one more'. He texted me when I left, and said he missed snuggling me already.


I definitely like this guy and I think he does too.. but my guard is up. Because I dated such a douche-bag last year, I have a hard time trusting guys. He hasn't done anything yet to suggest he is not worthy of trusting.. but I'm afraid that as time goes on I'll get hurt. I noticed he logged on to the 'site a few hrs before I came over (we live about 40 mins away). I can't really say much because we just started seeing eachother and I log on every so often too.. but I don't look through my messages anymore so I guess I just question why he's on still. Doesn't seem like he goes on much though.


I'm probably totally over-analyzing as girls tend to do I just wanna know how to do this. I like him and could see myself dating him, but I'm afraid of letting people in.

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I definitely like this guy and I think he does too.. but my guard is up.


I like this part. You're onto it. That's called sensible dating lol. I think your doing fine and keep doing what your doing but have that guard up just in case.


Also, guys and girls do keep logging into dating sites to "check" that the person they currently seeing might have logged on too. "Bingo"! you noticed him logged on, he probably has noticed you have logged on too......................


It's a curiosity thing.

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I met my guy on PoF. You sound just like me. Didn't hold out much hope for the site, didn't trust men because I'd such a douche last year, had my guard up. He proved to me that there are still some amazing,.sexy, sincere men out there.

We are moving in together next month!


Keep your guard up, watch what he does more than.what he says. Take time to get to know him before investing your heart. And good luck!


Not all men are jerks.

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I met my guy on PoF. You sound just like me. Didn't hold out much hope for the site, didn't trust men because I'd such a douche last year, had my guard up. He proved to me that there are still some amazing,.sexy, sincere men out there.

We are moving in together next month!


Keep your guard up, watch what he does more than.what he says. Take time to get to know him before investing your heart. And good luck!


Not all men are jerks.


Thank you =), glad you found someone.

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Nothing to let in at this point - how about deciding that if he asks you out again, you will go on a third date, show up, look nice and be nice and to the relationship/feelings/guard up analysis once you've been dating regularly for two months and are still having fun?


I agree. All we know right now is that he is sexually attracted to you and seems to enjoy your company. If he is still on the website after awhile, I would say that is a red flag. But not yet.

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