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dreams that are BEYOND embarassing

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Ok, this is totally embarrassing... I mean, I've been having these dreams (at least three that i can think of) that were totally, 100% focused on sex. Me and a guy who goes to my church, me and a guy that doesn't even exist, me and an orgy of camp counselors... it's getting really annoying, really stupid, really crazy, and just pissing the heck out of me. Not that I don't like the dreams and all... in a perverted way... but they just aren't normal! For one, I am a virgin and thereforeeee the dreams gotta be totally unrealistic, and two, I'm a girl, not some horny adolescent male.


Any thoughts? I'm dying here. I'm almost afraid to go to sleep.

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Its just a dream, its not real. I think just about everyone has had a dream where they are having sex, its totally normal.


I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe it is annoying, but you can't really help what you dream. Just because you have dreams where you are having sex doesn't mean you have to go out & do it, so don't worry to much about it. I think its just a phase that will pass.

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There is totally nothing abnormal here, I promise!


First of all, just because you're a girl doesn't mean you are never supposed to think about sex. It's a stereotype that it's ok for boys to think about it and not girls. Most girls (ok, all girls) think about sex at one time or another, but they just don't talk about it because each one thinks she is alone!


Secondly, it doesn't make you a pervert, no matter how weird the dreams get. Think of how weird some of your non-sexual dreams can be. Ever dream that you are on some crazy gameshow? You dog is talking to you? Your mom is Morticia from the Addams family? If you've ever had a weird dream that you can't explain, it's just because your brain takes lots of things from random places and glues them all together in your sleep. Now that you are a teenager and talk of sex is all around you, your brain picks up on that, too, and adds it to the mess and confusion.


Third, it's normal to think about a topic so controversial and taboo as sex. People on tv, in movies, at school all talk about it. Do it, don't do it; there's a lot to think about. So with all of those messages bombarding you from all angles, it's hard to wipe it out of your mind. But don't worry about it. Dreaming about boys you like or the craziest sexual escapades imaginable is ok. It's safe, it's sane, and it's not wrong. Besides, no one gets to know about it but you, and you can't get pregnant! My best friend when I was 13 had a dream about having sex with a whole team of Australian rugby players! She thought she was such a weirdo! But, she wasn't. Your mind is affected by hormones and social influence, and dreams are just funny and unexplainable things.


So, in the mean time, try not to worry. You're certainly not alone here, and if the dreams make you uncomfortable, just shake your head, say "what a weird dream," and don't worry about it again!

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Ok, this is totally embarrassing...


You can try to approach the thing from a Freudian point of view: try to think that a dream doesn't reflect necessarily your will, your intentions. Your dream's characters are different parts of you. Make an effort to recall some details of that guy, of the persons at that orgy. What did they say, how did they act? You always dream about yourself...

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