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I guess i suffer from depression didnt know few ?'s

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I guess i suffer from depression the doctor said so he put me on lexoprin for 6 months.This stuff is weird cna it work right off the bat because like i took one today and its so weird It felt like i was happy when i shouldnt really be happy it kind of felt good.So my question that im asking is can it work that fast because a couple hours afterward thats how i felt i actually felt happy.And anybody else on anti depressant pills like right now or just got off of them and how ddi your recovery feel?

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HI Shinobie,


I'm not on an antidepressant, but I know a little about them. It's possible to feel better quickly, although it could also be the psychological boost of finally getting some help (so-called placebo effect).


First, I'm glad you're feeling better. One option is to not question it and just be happy.


Second, many drugs have side effects that will or will not show up in the first month. Meaning, if there are going to be any side effects, they'll show up in the first month. Once you're free and clear of the first month, your mood and symptoms will stabilize (unless you change the dosage later).


I'm sorry, I don't know specifically about Lexaprin, though. But that's great you feel happier now!

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