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Period at the worst time

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hey me amd my girl are going up to my cottage for the weekend whenever we go up there i always crawl into her bed and we have an ecapade till the morning hours usually and we normally do everything but sex like oral and handjobs and all that goodstuff but this week is different one because it is the last time im going up all summer thanks to football practice and two she is on her period i was reading up about this and i found the following

link removed-Menstruation

I haven't met a lot of men who are completely comfortable going down on a woman when she has her period. But some are. Most women are at their horniest before and sometimes during their period. You should definitely find a way to make her cum when she's bleeding, be it through intercourse, manual, or oral stimulation. If you feel comfortable going down on her, great. It's perfectly safe. You may suggest that she insert a tampon, and then wash up. (As you now know, you don't need to get anywhere near her vagina to make her cum.) Or you could lay down a few old towels, turn out the lights, and forget about it.


has anyone else ever had this problem i am lost on this subject so pretty much my questions are:

1-can i still finger her

2-it doesnt really bother me because i love her and its natural so could i still eat her out ?(if anyone knows would it taste nasty?)

3-how do i convince her to let me do it because i have a feeling she is going to say "yuck thats gross dont do that"


If anyone has any knowledge or suggestions about this i would really appreciate it




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...I'm a girl and if my boyfriend wanted to go down on me while I was on my period I would say no... just because I would feel a little embarrassed by the fact. I mean if you absolutely feel you have to in order to please her ask her first. But I think that fingering while she's on her period is okay.. a little messy but if you don't mind that part than it's okay. Just make sure that she's comfortable with whatever you decide to do. I honestly don't know how it would taste you would have to get a guys opinion on that one... But whatever you decide to do have fun with it.

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You can still finger her. A lot of girls get really horny when they are on their period. It can be really messy though, so it might be wise to get some towels or something so that the blood doesn't stain the sheets.


You can still give her oral, but thats got to be something that both you & her are comfortable with. I've heard that it does taste different, but nothing totally horrible, I guess it wouldn't be that bad if guys still do it. You can focus on her clit, that way you won't really have your mouth near the blood, but whatever you want.


I don't really know how you can talk her into it. Either she will be really against it, or want to but she may be afraid you will be totally grossed out by it. Just let her know that you love her & you don't care about it. Some guys are really grossed out by it & stuff, so just make sure she knows that you aren't, you think its totally a normal thing. I guess just talk to her about it. See how she feels about it.


Make sure you still use protection. Girls can get pregnant while on their period, so be safe.

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Well, I don't feel the least bit uncomfortable about having sex during my period. I do it every month. My boyfriend and I have had every kind of sex during my period and it's never been a problem.


Skout, if you are comfortable with oral sex during her period, good for you, you're not alone. As for the taste, it's just blood. I assume your girlfriend would have just washed up, so it's new blood. My boyfriend says it has a coppery taste and isn't turned off by it at all.


If she has a heavy flow at the time she might want to insert a tampon, I've done that. While having intercourse the towel is certainly a good idea! A wet washcloth by the bed is handy.


If your girlfriend seems uncomfortable with this idea at first, it's probably because she's afraid you will be grossed out and she's embarrassed. You just need to show her that you are not grossed out, that you care for her and everything about her and wouldn't let a little thing like a bit of menstrual blood prevent you from making love to her.


Actually, some guys think sex during menstruation is rather hot. My boyfriend once intentionally got blood on his hand when my flow was heavy, and made slashes accross his chest that resembled a primitive tattoo. That was a turn-on.

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You should be advised that it is going to smell and it will be uncomfortable for the both of you. It sounds like you are just really horny right now, but you should think about this a lot before you do it. It is rather messy. I had sex with my ex-girlfriend several times while she was on her period and I was soooooo horny, but when I pulled out and saw all that blood and the huge mess/smell I was instantly turned off and cleaned up and stopped. lol, so you might just want to think about that.

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At first my GF was a bit worried about it, but later after she saw I wasnt grossed out, or that it was messy or anything she looked forward to oral sex.


Like in the quote you pasted, to please her orally you dont need to get near the area where there could be blood etc.


As for fingering, well she wasnt comfortable with that because its was messy but regular sex was ok. she actually told me it helped her with her period too.


So although I have performed oral sex many times when she has had her period, I have never earned the "red wings" (Biker term).


But understand that any kind of penetration and you can have some real messy sheets, pillows, underear and anything else that comes into contact. since your "sneaking" in at night in the dark you may not see whats happening.

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I've had sex when I was on my 'monthly' before. It wasn't that big of a deal, because you are so into it, you don't think about it the whole time. But as for eating a girl out when she is on her 'monthly' ... It hasn't been done to me and I probably wouldn't let it. It's not *gross* just not my thing, but if she is okay with it then...cool. Just don't try to embarrass her or say "wait I can't do this." Because that would be the one thing I would fear. It might smell and/or taste funny, but if you do it-more power to you. As far as fingering goes...I don't see a problem in it. Be ready to get messy but that's all. As long as you a prepared for everything and not caught off guard. I would let a guy finger me while I was on 'it'. If you and her both agree then good luck and have fun!




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