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Ok I will start with the beginning and try to make it as short as possible. Me and Jason have been friends since grade school and are now adults out of highschool. We lost contact for a few years and now are friends again. I have a boyfriend that is locked up for stupid things but I believe that i love him so I will wait for him to get out.

I am real close to Jason now as if we never lost contact. He now has a kid but the girl has left and rearely contacts him so I am kinda Alex's mother figure. Jason is real close to me too and we talk about everything I just wonder if I am getting so close to him cause I am falling in love with him or if it because I am lonely and just know that he is a friend that will always be there.

I have caught Jason tell me I love you on the phone when we are getting ready to hang up and never said anything him. Could this be a bad friendship to start considering I have a boyfriend or is it a sign that I shouldn't wait for Shane or what?

Please give me your opinions and advise

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I guess it just boils down to what is it that your really want? Is Shane the type of man who you want to end up with? Personally, I am not saying that people who go through jail are all bad people, most of them come out ok and better people... most do not.. But again, do you really want to wait for that and sell yourself short?


You do have deep feelings for Jason, its obvious. I think your friendship together now is healthy for the both of you. Its more or less companionship. If you want to be with Jason, or have even thought about that idea- you truly shouldn't be waiting for Shane. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but you can't waste your life waiting for someone who gets locked up for 'stupid things'-- I'm sure if Shane loved you, he'd understand that too. As far as Jason goes, I think you both need to have a talk. Ask him how he feels-- he could have been saying 'I love you' out of habit, or that he truly means it.. fact is, you are questioning his reason behind it, which should prompt a discussion with him.. especially if you are feeling like you are falling in love with him.


Talk to Jason, find out whats going on. If you truly do want to be with Shane and want to wait for him, good for you--- but I in no way think your friendship with Jason is an dangerous one.... unless you feel yourself falling in love with him, then you really need to make a decision between Jason or Shane....

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