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Any tips on how to get past brain-freeze caused by attraction?


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I have recently met a guy I am attracted to, after not having done this for ages, and feeling good because I was starting to wonder if I would find someone that could make me feel that again. Almost a relief.

Anyway, I see him one a week at a uni lecture (I go on one day release- part time, so only that day), he sits in the row in front of me and my friends, with another guy and a girl. Me and my friends are welcoming them into our group a bit, (we have a "part-timer group", and they are new part-timers), the girl we are friends with now, but the boys seem to do their own thing outside the lecture.

Inside I want to talk to him, even as just friendly chat, I get on with boys quite well in general, sometimes easier than girls, but because Im attracted to him I freeze. I can sometimes manage a smile, but all connection from my brain to voicebox seems to have been cut.

Its a little frustrating. Any tips on how to get past this?

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I would love to read the answer to this as well, especially from guys who do this with a girl they like..how does someone not get offended by a guy or girl who can't speak to them??? I see he comes around, stares alot..from afar usually, ''hangs out'' but can't speak tot hat one person...anyone?????


WHY does this happen..you'd think if you liked the person so much you'd WANT TO DO SOMETHING to not hurt or offend them????

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Just to be clear, have you spoken to him at all yet?

I think the best way to get over that "brain-freeze" is to keep in mind that he's just another guy, no one to be intimidated by. You've got class with him, and you sit near him. Ask him something about the course, anything. Ask him how he likes the class so far and take it from there... and if he's one-wordy or it's awkward, it's his loss. Nothing wrong on your part with striking up some friendly conversation.

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Maybe try playing "mind games" with yourself? Pretend in your head that you do not like him and he is just some average guy. Talk to him like you would any other friend and have fun. Don't be worrying about what he'll think or how he will react. You don't want to get hung up on just this one guy, as there are other 'fish in the sea' if he ends up not being interested. Confidence is very attractive to people, so fake it til you make it. Pretend to be confident until you really are.

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