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So this is where i am this week : acceptance. I am accepting the break up, accepting he left me and he´s not coming back and accepting I have more to live.


Even though it still hurts and I still miss him, I am accepting this whole thing.


This is the truth, maybe he stop loving me. cause if he did love would he be able to not talk to me for 7 weeks after leaving me?? Guess not. It´s sad cause we were great together and we make it work even in long distance with so much love.


thank you, some insights would me great.

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acceptance is usually the turning point. once u stop trying to make sense of it all and try to "fix" things, then u can move forward. course there will be good days and bad ones. but remind ureself...u will be fine regardless where he is at in all this. in the beggining we feel defeated, but in reality were the ones who actually won! u will come out stronger and wiser, something he may never gain prolly. it gets better as time goes on. good luck.

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Congrats serendipity.. Since yesterday I think I am in the border of bargaining and acceptance.. I have realized that she has left me and she may never ever come back.. She may never ever realize the love I have for her.. Ironical isn't it .. But I think, as dumpees, we could always rest on the thought that "I tried my best.. I loved with my whole heart but it was the other person's decision to end it".. This gives me a sense of consolation...


I really hope that you meet someone who really loves you for what you are and who really appreciate the love you give him..

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That´s exactly the thought that gives me more comfort and strenght to carry on. you re on the right path! That´s the truth: When you love someone as much as you, I or anybody in this forum I believe we accomplished our mission in the relationship, it is their loss if the decide to let it all go. Us, we should be proud to be able to feel like that.


Maybe one day when day realize (or not) it will be late and we ll all be living our happily ever afters

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That´s exactly the thought that gives me more comfort and strenght to carry on. you re on the right path! That´s the truth: When you love someone as much as you, I or anybody in this forum I believe we accomplished our mission in the relationship, it is their loss if the decide to let it all go. Us, we should be proud to be able to feel like that.


Maybe one day when day realize (or not) it will be late and we ll all be living our happily ever afters


Amen.... We did our best and we DID accomplish our mission.. And its totally their loss that they failed to see what we were, when they could realize our value and the honest love we had for them.. Instead, they clung on to something else and the day they realize what they have lost, its normally too late (My ex-ex gf came back after two years after cheating on me, but it was too late.. I was in a different country altogether)..


Lets wish us good luck, and thank our ex partners for all what they did.. I am sure that we came out of the relationship as a much better person than what we were, when we entered the relationship..

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