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For those who are having a hard time letting go....

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Definitely. The craziest part of it all is how independent I was 3 1/2 years ago. I hadn't been in a relationship for quite some time before I met my ex, and I was totally cool with that. And then for the month after the breakup, I felt incomplete. How the hell did that happen? The pinnacle of independence to the poster child for co-dependence? It's simple- I lost sight of myself. I became to rely on her for the definition of what made me worthy. I got so wrapped up in the plans for marriage. So wrapped up in the idea of having found my "soulmate" (which is a complete farce, and we had even talked about that very notion). So wrapped up in keeping her close to me. In micromanaging my movements. That smooth, charismatic person I prided myself on being was GONE. Because I had handed over myself and valued myself solely based on my attachment to her, and what WE could do. It was no longer about what *I* could do, and when you find yourself in that situation, it's easy to have your heart ripped out of your chest. Never forget who YOU are, first and foremost. Nothing lasts forever.


This article spoke volumes. I added it to my bookmarks immediately.

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Never forget who YOU are, first and foremost. Nothing lasts forever.


This article spoke volumes. I added it to my bookmarks immediately.


I feel and felt the same. My happiness was dependent on someone else and that steered me into destruction. I have been single for 2+ yrs now and its been a learning experience. I still feel emotions of hurt and confusion but slowly I feel I am coming into myself - what I should be. If you understand and truly absorb all the information in this article I can see how it is freeing. Its just hard to keep this way of thinking. I am slowly learning however. Thanks so much for the post...def book marking!

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I am so glad you guys like the article.

It is helping me to forget the past, I go back and read it at time to time when I am feeling down.

one of my favorite statement:

"Know you can’t change the past. Even if you think about over and over again. Even if you punish yourself. Even if you refuse to accept it. It’s done. The only way to relieve your pain about what happened is to give yourself relief. No one and nothing else can create peace in your head for you."

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I feel and felt the same. My happiness was dependent on someone else and that steered me into destruction. I have been single for 2+ yrs now and its been a learning experience. I still feel emotions of hurt and confusion but slowly I feel I am coming into myself - what I should be. If you understand and truly absorb all the information in this article I can see how it is freeing. Its just hard to keep this way of thinking. I am slowly learning however. Thanks so much for the post...def book marking!


I'd like to amend what I said in my last post;


Nothing lasts forever- except what you become for yourself. The heart of this article says to me that, even under perfect conditions... nothing is perfect. Nothing is promised, and nothing is written in stone. Every day should be lived like it's your last. Whether that means you are married for 60 years, or die at 22, you can only do what you can with the time you are alloted.


Don't live for others; live for you. Nothing wrong with that special person coming along for the ride, though.

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