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anyone else have this problem? how do you deal?


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This is something that has been going on since I started college. I never really had a problem with people commenting on my weight in high school, my best friend did however. And yes I was worried about how thin she was at one point. However she went to a doctor, her family are all really then, they just have high metabolism. She even was given a pill and diet plan to help her gain weight.

I've always been think, and stayed pretty healthy. I don't really do anything. I'm a lazy pile and hate exercising. I never watch or care what I eat. If it tastes good, good enough for me. Sugar is my favorite.

Ever since my freshman year of college I've gotten comments. Usually from friends or co workers about my weight. I'm around 5'6 and always stayed around 120-130. But still I get comments of being too thin or skinny. One acquaintance even asked if I was eating enough. I was kinda pissed but didn't say anything. I worked in a kitchen and got comments all the time, "you need to put meat on your bones." "Dang you are skinny." etc And yea from working in a kitchen I gained about 10 pounds, cant help it with all the extra cookies they had. lol

Recently I've gotten comments from friends or acquaintances about being thin. I'm getting tired of it. And I shouldn't let it effect me but it does. I feel like I'm being watched when I eat sometimes, or I have to grab more than I really want.

I feel like these comments are unnecessary, and sometimes they probably don't realize how hurtful they are. Thinking back of who makes these comments makes me wonder somewhat about their intended purpose. I have a few friends and some of them are overweight. And the comments tend to come more from them.

I want to say something sometimes. But don't want to make them uncomfortable or feel bad. Why is it in society it is ok to make judgments on someone because they are thin? Where did this trend come from?


This link made some sense. Obviously can't be the only one with this problem.

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Anyone else have this problem? Ways you cope with it?

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Yes, I gained weight to cope with it. Instead of learning to love my body, I just gave in. Of course I don't recommend it and trying to lose the weight now. You just have to tune people out. You can't control the things people say, just your reaction to it. Love your body. Appreciate the fact that you can eat whatever you want and won't gain weight (although, try and be healthy!!). Being thing is very feminine, in my opinion.

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I've always struggle with weightloss/weight gain. I noticed that when someone who's "normal" or is slightly overweight starts losing weight, they get more of a negative feedback. I'm 5'1" and weighed 108lbs, and many people told me to stop losing weight or to GAIN weight! My sister kept telling me to eat more, or she'd try and temp me by buying all my favorite junk food and offering me. I hate it! I wasn't even underweight or close to it. I could afford to lose 10more lbs actually. I usually try to ignore it, but I understand how it could annoy you sometimes.

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There's a big difference between being thin and appearing unhealthy. Plenty of 5'10" models weigh less than 130 but still have healthy looks and don't appear gaunt or ill. (I know this because I retouch their photos for a living.)


You've pretty much nailed your problem--you don't eat healthy, and your appearance reflects this. If you're not careful, you'll appear old before your time, as your body will actually age more quickly.


Sugars cause glycation of the skin and other organs and break everything down, sort of like what happens when you slice an apple and it turns brown. Or if you leave cotton candy out in the sun.


If you're not interested in consuming good proteins and fibers and complex carbs to balance the sugars, or if you eat a lot of starches (which turn immediately to sugar in your system) then your problems will only get worse, not better. You'll continue to appear unhealthy because you'll BE unhealthy.


It's a decision.

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I don't think you really understood what I said. Or took it the wrong way. I eat what I want. That does not mean I pig out or only eat junk food and sweets. It's ok to have chocolate every once in a while. I don't look anywhere near my age, and am not in danger of appearing old before my time. I have a baby-face, and always will.

I do not appear to be unhealthy. Comments are not about me appearing to be unhealthy. They are commenting about my size, saying i need to "put meat on my bones" etc because I'm smaller then they are. The average weight/size of women in America is growing. I do not fit that size, and so do many other girls. We are not getting comments because we look "unhealthy" it's because what our normal weight is for us does not fit in what is "average".


Thanks for your concern.

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