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Career Change


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So since I graduated high school in 1991, I have been in the army for 5.5 years, worked in a grocery store for about a year, held another job for 12 years, and currently for the past 3 months have had a daycare because I no longer desired to work for someone else. Problem is, somedays these kids that the parents refuse to discipline are driving me crazy. My kids aren't angels but come on people!! Anyway back to the point, I would like to be able to do something from home whereas I have the ability to work at my pace and the hours I wished to work, some nights I can't sleep so that would keep me busy. My question is this, is it a good idea to email or call some of the businesses in my area about telecommuting jobs or is there a site to go to that is reputable for that specific job category. All I seem to be finding are the "if you pay us a billion dollars we can help you find something". Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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Why not start your own bussiness , like baking and selling wedding cakes? Just create a twitter account and listen to people's suggestions, and start selling a variety of cakes in your environment. Maby you like to design your own dresses.I encourage you to just give it a try.

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