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Men are you usually initially attracted to female friends


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Guys who want to be women's friends:


75% they want to sleep with you when/if you break up with your boyfriend

10% they enjoy unrequited relationships and/or they are super shy and this is better than nothing.

5% They want to be with your friend so that they can sleep with your female friends.

5% It increases their rep to have an attractive woman as a friend

5% They actually want to be your friend.


Stats apply to straight men only.

Exceptions: you grew up together or he needs you for career networking. Guys are practical and mercenary.


The cat's out of the bag...sorry everyone.


it also applys to female wanting to be a male's friend

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I disagree though you may be partly right. In my opinion, women who want to be a guy's friend usually want attention without the work/responsibility of a relationship...or they already in a relationship with a guy but he doesn't give her enough attention (either because he's not that into her or it isn't humanly possible to fill her ego)

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But this guy already knows she has a boyfriend ,if he wants to pursue a friendship [while he secretly tries to move in]and it doesn't go the way he hopes any pain created for him will be pain he brought on himself.I agree the OP shouldn't pursue the friendship as she highly suspects he is only trying to become her friend in order to move in but she can't be responsible for any pain he creates for himself.

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I have been with my BF for 10 years now. In the past I have actually been very good friends with a few other men with friendships lasting 2-6 years. And absolutely nothing sexual or romantic went on. We just did fun activities together. It just always happened that after several years they would come out and admit that they always felt more than friends for me. I think this guy likes me as a friend no matter what because we like to do a lot of the same things but I just have this feeling that he is attracted to me every time we talk. He is very caring towards me and protective and will just stop and stare into my eyes with that love look and when there are pauses when we talk instead of looking away he gazes into my eyes for several seconds. Its just a dreamy look he gives me. Its seriously a look like he is about to make a move and kiss me but he doesnt. You know what look I am talking about.

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I know that I have a very slim chance of sleeping with a female friend, so the fact that they're attractive doesn't matter. If we're not dating (or potentially dating), it's just friendship, whether or not she gives me an erection or not.


I find celebrity women attractive, but would I want a relationship with one? Probably not.

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yeah, he wants more. but if you see him as a future candidate go with the friendship.


This would be a horrible, awful, selfish thing to do. This guys wants to be with you, if you were single you'd be with him, but since you're not single you just 'pretend' to be friends? * * * ? Total disrespect to your current partner and to the idea of love and relationships in general.

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I'm friends with my guy friends because they are a lot of fun and they make me laugh. I enjoy their company. I don't know about all this. I've been single for almost 3 years now and not one of my guy friends has tried anything. I have about a dozen and maybe 4 are married (so they don't count). I know they think I'm pretty because they've all said so at one time or another. I think guys and girls can just be platonic friends and nothing more.

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My physical attraction to a girl does not wane because she has a bf or is in a relationship. Now that doesnt mean that I would want to be buddy buddy with her but I think that I could be her friend even though I was attracted to her. That doesnt mean that I am going to undermine her relationship but it means that I would just pursue other interests.

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If YOU try to start a friendship with a female but she already has a Boyfriend but you still want to be friends is there usually an attraction for her? If not than what would make you meet a female and pursue a friendship with her?


Ive had lots of guy friends when I was dating other men but in the end I always find out that the guy friends always secretly wanted to be my boyfriend. So Im just wondering...


Not really. I don't want to cause any problems, not all guys are secure with their babe's having alpha male friends. If anything, I'll befriend them as a couple and make sure the door is open when I visit. lol.


But yes, there were the exceptional women that caught my eye and I thought it would be great to have her on my side of the fence if you will but it hasn't happened. If it did I suppose if we communicated well and genuinely cared for each other then yes, I would pursue a friendship but not a relationship. Again the other guy would be involved alot and I would take care to see that our time together was "honorable". If that makes any sense.

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Now he is completely changing on me. HE told me he wanted to hang out and HE was the one who started this lingering eye contact when both of us were silent and HE was the one who first started approaching me and acting interested in me. Now that I am telling him I want to hang out suddenly its like he is avoiding me. He told me he wanted to hang out so this weekend I asked him, he said he already had plans and would call me by Monday to make plans. Well I saw him sunday and now today tuesday and both times he didnt mention anything about doing anything together when he sees me he still says hi and a few words but he keeps cutting it short now and he definatly hasnt called me.


I dont know. I am still sure he is attracted to me atleast by the way he smiles at me and how he just looks into my eyes while not talking and just lingers his gaze for a good 4 secends atleast. Its so obvious. And he said some things indicating interest. Anyways, maybe he just feel too akward knowing I have a boyfriend. Maybe he's afraid of getting stuck in the middle and being put in a bad position. I dunno.

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If YOU try to start a friendship with a female but she already has a Boyfriend but you still want to be friends is there usually an attraction for her? If not than what would make you meet a female and pursue a friendship with her?


Ive had lots of guy friends when I was dating other men but in the end I always find out that the guy friends always secretly wanted to be my boyfriend. So Im just wondering...


Yeah, I have female friends that I would have dated if I could have. Actually, I liked one of them before I found out she had a BF. Anyways, we're just friends now and I'd probably just keep it like that even they became available and wanted to date. I was friends with one girl for about a month, then we started dating. So sometimes friendships turn into romantic relationships, however most of the time I think once a guy gets in the "friend zone" they're doomed and stuck there. lol

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