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CaN aNbOdY sEe WhErE tHiS gOiNg??...please help me

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Okay, well theres a guy i've known for a little over a year know and he's asked me out before but i never knew he liked me before he asked me out , that was lke 6 months ago. and he's a guy who moves on really quickly and know he says he really likes another girl and i know her and everything but she has a boyfriend. that guy who i was talking about always seems to touch me like rubbing my arms "to keep me awrm" giving me his sweatshirts and burns me cd's but where just friends(i want to be more though) and when i tell him to call me he never does, but when i dont tell him to he does....what should i do, what does he want to do, do you think he just wants to be my friend? im so confused




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Well if i were you instead of having him call you so you can tell him then you should just tell him in person while your hanging out or something. Tell him that being friends is great, but you want it to be something more than that. And in my opinion i think that he likes you but he doesnt think you like him back...so ask him and if he says that he doesnt want to have a serious relationship just remain GOOD friends...theres always a chance in the future if you remain friends

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Well if youve been debating that long i would just go and ask him. You gotta be confident and if he rejects you, eh there are plenty of other people out there.....and your still young so youll have plenty of time to find the right one for you. i hope it all works out for you.

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Well, I like some of PunkPyro's stuff, but I have to disagree here. I would not ask in the face of confusing messages, unless you were ready to hear NO. Hey, the really confident people in this world just don't get shaken by rejection. Of course, confidence helps avoid it too, but that's a different matter.


Let's see. The guy lieks you. He does. No question in my ind from what you describe, but he is not making any moves. How do you get him to make the move, if he has not yet? That's the question, isn't it?


Some of my ideas may not work for you, because I'm a lot older, but you can adapt almost all of them. If I knew a woman who wanted a guy to bust a move, but he wasn't, what would I tell her to do. Well, the simplest and easiest thing to do is that I would adopt a plan. I'd first adopt a plan to make him really want to go for you.


First understand my normal gobblely-gook about why we fall in love, or end up liking someone.


1. We like those who make us feel good, special, give us emotional fulfillment. This differs for all of us. A guy may feel great when he has a beautiful woman on his arm. A woman may feel that when next to a star athlete. He makes you feel special, by doing the things you mention. Making you CDs, wanting to keepyou warm, just showing he cares. Pay attentiont o him, and watch what he seems to feel about when you do something. Pay him a compliment, but make it an honest one, nothing that you don't really mean. You can say it to him or someone else.


Learn about some of the things that interest him and then when he wants to talk about them you can ask good questions. We all want to talk about ourselves, we are the most interesting people we know.


When you talk, really listen. Look at his face, move your eyes around the triangle from his eyes to his lips. Make sure not to hog the conversation.


2. Don't be needy, clingy, be independent, act like you enjoy him being aorund, but you don't need him there with you all the time. The clingy and needy scare us off as partenrs, lovers, girlfriends and boyfriends. Be a little aloof and send mixed messages. (Isn't he doing this too. He liked you, now he likes her, etc., but them he seems to care for you.).


If you can manage a balance of the above and he is looking interested, then when you talk to him one day, stop and tell him that you enjoy doing it. You like him being around. Then wait, see what he does, good reaction let it sit for a while, then tell him that if really had any sense he would ask you out.


Adapt as it fits you.

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