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Cheated women please read this! and help

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First of all, i need to apologize about my english, i'm mexican and i'll do my best...

So here is my situation, I'm 24, my husband is 26, we've had a girl three years ago, and i got married mainly because i got pregnant...

We sarted fighting since our honey moon, and every time seemed to get worse, i simply got sick of it and started ignoring him as well as my marriage, (of course after i tried my best), we've hurted each other in many ways, even with physical violence, not to mention the things that we,ve said in front of our girl... we talked about divorce so many times that i can't remember, but every single time i tried even harder to keep things going, we agreed 5 months ago to make things work, the fighting started to cool off, and we were fine, or maybe that's what i tought... after 2 months in our arrangement, i started to feel really confused, like that little voice inside you that tells you that something's just not right, i started to feel paranoid when i wasn't a jelous person, i started hacking his e-mail accounts, and checking over his cell phone, i somehow knew that he was cheating on me, he denied constantly and made me feel so bad about my behavior that I even thought about getting professional help about this problem, but the only thing that happened is that i started being more careful with my spying... three months after fights about this and after truly believing that he was right, and i wasn't.. i decided to write him an e mail, but i needed to add something to that mail to seem convincing that i was going to change my attitude.... and since i had hacked his email before, i knew the password, so i thought that would be easy just to erase my mail and write it over again... for my surprise, there was a strange email from his work account, the only one that i couldn't get into!!! i got paranoid once more and opened it, i found out that he had an affair, that lasted 3 months, i found out yesterday, and i'm devastated, i filed for divorce today, but i'm not sure if i want to forgive him, i think a lot about my daugther and about how important it is for her to have a normal family, but also, my problem is not the infidelity per se, is the emotional and mental damage that he caused me during 3 months, making me believe that i was a compete lunatic, besides, if i see the global background, i don't know what to say, i'm still in love, but i know that i wont die if i let him go

What can i do??? i consider myself so immature, that i'm totally scared about making the wrong choice, because i know this would affect my daughter's whole life, i'm desperate, and i don't know what to do...

Besides, he doesn't look that regretful, sorry and ashamed as i would like, i'm even more affraid that if i forgive him so easily, he will do it again!

He's still lying to me, and even in the morning talked to her, he swears to me that he doesn't love her, but his actions are so far away from his words

please help me, i cant sleep, cant breath, i'm so depressed



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Hey Dany,


You both are young to be married in this era. I am sorry for the pain you are going through. First you need to calm down. Your reaction to directly file for divorce was an impulse out of panic and devastation.


Take a breath and when you are a bit more relaxed:


Talk to your husband. Say that you are thinking of leaving him, but want to talk things out with him. I think that you really need some counselling with the two of you. That will only work when he is committed to that. If he's not, follow your heart and leave him. No, you won't die. You will regain happiness. I think that your child needs a family, but it SURELY doesn't need two unhappy parents. I think that is even more wrong than being a single mom for a while and maybe finding new love.


I wish I could help you more, I cannot even imagine what you are going through right now. You are my age, it's unbelievable...


I wish you all the best, and keep venting here,




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I feel your pain and I'm sorry that this is happening to you.


I would take some time to digest this information before you made any big decisions. I know from experience, learning something like this is like being punched in the gut. You will need a little time to gather your thoughts.


I have a little girl too. I can tell you that when my husband and I argue it hurts her very much.


It's scary for a child to see things like that especially if there is violence involved. A child no matter how young can tell when there is something wrong - even when nothing is said. You should think about doing what is best for the two of you.


If you have talked with your husband and he continues to see this other woman and he still is lying to you then you have some tough choices ahead of you.


There are plenty of us here that are going through the same thing. We are all glad to help anyway we can.

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I'm sorry too you are going through this. I think it might be best to give yourself some time and space. If you can get your husband to leave for a while it might help you to see things more clearly and also mean you won't have to fight in front of your daughter. It must be the lying that is hardest to deal with. On a more positive note, my best friend is your age and has been with her boyfriend 3 years and he has cheated on her twice. She forgave him and I thought she was an idiot but they now are happier than ever and he is not cheating anymore. All I mean is it doesn't neccesarily have to be the end. Give it time and time alone will clear your head and help you figure out if you still love him and can forgive him.


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Hey girl,


Good that you read my lines! How are you now? I hope people with more experience will advise you here.


Hope you will soon get some perspectives of what you should do. Again, if you'd have the love and courage to forgive your man, and you see a future with him, you should go into counselling. But you said you only married him because of the pregnancy. Can you tell me more about the relationship on the whole?



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well ilse, my relationship wasn't as I expected since the beginning, per haps because we were so young when we got married, I was only 20, living a crazy life, drinking till morning, and going to dance was all I cared about at that point, and when I realized I was pregnant was a big fall from the clouds, if you know what I mean, I wasn't prepared at all for being a mother and all the responsibility that it takes, so we were somehow trying to live our life as if we were single, but taking care of our child was the first problem, he hardly helped in the house keeping, and almost never took care of her, that was the first time I asked for divorce, I felt unprepared to live like that taking care of my child while he was having the time of his life at clubs... then my sister got a degree in London and I was headed to her graduation, so I left my child with him almost a month to see if he changed a little, I mean, to see if he would be different with her, fortunately he changed, and started to love her, and to be a little more responsible with her, so I dropped my idea of getting divorced, after a while we started having discussions because I wanted to go out too!! so we started taking turns to go to clubs with mutual friends, and there the true story begins, fight after fight we felt like we were not equal with the situation, he kept telling me that he needed to go out more often because he was so stressed about his work, and the problem was that I was tired of the baby too, and I had other responsibilities like studying, because I was studying at the time, (I got pregnant on 3 semester of 9)

He was so selfish, still is!!! He only thinks about himself, he has 3 rules in his life... 1. Taking care of him 2. taking care of his work and 3 taking care of his daughter, but unfortunately, the first two leave no time for the third, he hardly even see her, I mean in this last month he was with her only 3 times (including the times where he only washed her teeth and took her to sleep), and that's my main problem, he never listen to me, I mean talking to a wall is more productive than talking to him, he was completely careless about what happened to me, after a lot of arguments and a lot of crying and even more damage, we decided to take care of our life as a married couple, like 5 months ago, we were trying, but didn't work, maybe because we weren't trying at the same time, we both were so devastated because no matter what we did, next weekend it would all be the same, same arguments, same discussions, same routine... two months after that I got a job offer, quite good to be honest, so I had to leave home for courses to get into that company, almost a week that was last April, so after I came back I started to feel really confused about him, I thought it was the conflict between my worker life, with my mother life, with my house wife life, but I had to quit at work after just 1 month because my daughter had an accident and broke her leg, who would take care of her while I was working?, and there was a risk of surgery if it wasn't properly attended.... so i was unemployed and still having some difficulties to sleep with no apparent reason, he started to get late from work, and started to leave without telling me were he was, without answering his cell phone, I was forced to call more than 25 calls a night to see if he would answer, he got home most of the time drunk like an angry adolescent telling me that I'm not his mother and that I have no right to call 25 times, after all what was I thinking about calling 25 times if he didn't answer the first one….. anyway, he was stranger than ever, and I was so insecure about our relationship I first thought that there was someone else, but never said a thing, started as I said before hacking his mails and checking his cell phone, we was too clean to be true, nothing on his mails, nothing on the cell, but then I started noticing missing calls in received and dialed numbers, there were no messages in his inbox at his cell, no outgoing messages, nothing, how weird!!! At this time he had noticed me so nervous and paranoid that he just ignored me, and my "jealousy" after a week, he started to make me feel bad about myself, telling me that I was crazy, and that if I kept going with this he would file for divorce, "the mail that I wrote" part you already know, what you don't know is what the mail said, it was from a coworker, that is completely in love with him, telling him that she loved him and nothing would have happened if she hadn't come to my house that day, (WHEN I WAS AWAY WORKING) that she would never forget the way he kissed her and was with her (if you know what I mean) with my daughter sleeping upstairs!! I was so mad, when I found out, I went to his office to confront him, and he leaved me there standing telling me I know why you're here, go away, don't make a scene… I waited till we got home to talk about it, he denied everything telling me that she was in love with him but nothing happened (yeah right) afterwards, he went to sleep, and I didn't want to go to my parents house because we stopped talking at 2 am, I took a deep breath and stayed that night, awake of course, and hacking his passwords to get into his work computer, after 4 hours I finally could get into it, just to find more mails, and stored conversations, at this time, he couldn't deny it, I woke him up end he started telling me that he just kissed once, when her mails were so apart from what he was telling me… I started packing immediately and he just kept telling me, please don't go, I'm sorry, don't go… I was so mad, I kept packing, and then he tried to hug me and kiss me, of course I denied, and just like that he told me, ok.. That's your choice, that's fine, I tried to say I'm sorry and you act like that, fine, leave, just leave…

I couldn't believe my ears, oh my god after like 5 minutes of saying I'm sorry he thinks I am going to forgive him???…

I finished packing at 7 am, of course I didn't sleep… he went to work, where she works, and I told him that I wanted to talk to her, maybe she didn't know he was married, or maybe he told her that we were through a divorce, and I wanted to know if we were both victims or was I the only one… after noon, she called, telling me that she was sorry about the pain she caused, she knew the (#@%!! Bi^%$) knew he was married, and that I was still with him, and didn't care!! She ended telling me- look, you have something that I want, and I know you want him too, so let's make him choose, if he chooses me, you and your daughter will get out of our lives forever, if he chooses you, I will resign tomorrow and leave for good- how cynical of her, don't you think?, I told her at the time that I would leave him anyhow, and the issue about my daughter wasn't something that I would decide, I told her that she should talk to my husband about that, and hung up

After a while she called again to see if I was going to show for " the big decision" of course I said NO, I told her that I was going to let her keep my husband, that I already talked to my lawyer, that I needed his mails to her as a proof of adultery and she agreed to give them to me.

My husband went to work at another city for some days, he arrives on Sunday, he has called me several times, but I just don't answer the phone… he called her before leaving, that shows how much interest there is from his side, he still denies sexual relations, when they lasted at least 3 months of relationship, I'm not stupid, but I really love him, and I don't know what to do about my child, she's been crying for no reason since he left for work, even considering that this time she didn't hear the fight, she knows somehow… the thing that makes me have doubts is the conversation of this morning

Mommy are you sad, I said no baby I just feel bad, and she said, if you want I can be mad at daddy too, and I said, no baby, mommy and daddy have their own reasons to be like this it's not your fault, and daddy is nice with you, and then she asked me to forgive him, she said, I know that daddy is bad but if he says I'm sorry can he stay?. I started crying immediately after that hugging her and telling her that we were going to be all right….



I filed for divorce, and I already paid, it's not cheap and after all he did to me I have to pay my divorce, it's just not fare, and what's even lower is the damage that he has done to her for life, I think I'm going to stick to my decision I think it's the best, I hope my daughter will forget some day… but I still have my doubts, does he loves me? He regrets it? Really?


Still have doubts because of her, as you say ilse it's not the same to love someone that sacrificing yourself to him, but ilse for HER I would be miserable my whole life, I would quit to my happiness just to see her smile, I think that you won't ever understand that unless you are a mother…


I guess I am just going to be prepared with my lawyer, but the final decision has not been made yet..


Oh gosh I just realized I'm really crazy… I really don't know what to do????


The only thing that made my day is that I cancelled all his accounts, and credit cards, and he doesn't know it !!! and with the money I paid for the most expensive gym in my city for a whole year, at least I'm gonna be hot!! when this finishes !! by the way I reported his cell as stolen…


Thank you for taking the time reading this

I'll wait your response




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Still have doubts because of her, as you say ilse it's not the same to love someone that sacrificing yourself to him, but ilse for HER I would be miserable my whole life, I would quit to my happiness just to see her smile, I think that you won't ever understand that unless you are a mother


Dear girl,


I have read most of your story, and I will come back and reply later, because my father is coming to visit me in a couple of minutes...


First of, I am so sorry for you. You are in an awful place right now. But, cheesy as it sounds, when you hit that rock bottom in your life, you can only go up from here. It can't get any worse, and you'll be amazed how much inner strength you have. It might not feel that way now, but it will soon. It needs some time to give it a place and to work things out.


I selected the quote from your post, because it really shows your pain. First of, NO, I don't have children so I cannot relate to that. I am aware of that. I was always amazed at my parents, how much they sacrifice to make me happy... So, what I am gonna say now, might not sound right for you. Please forgive me if I say something completely stupid...


My line under my postings, first of all, doesn't apply to the love for a child. Because the love for your own child, in my view, is the strongest love there is. It is not even comparable to romantic love.


However, when you say that you'd sacrifice your own happiness for your child, I do not completely understand. I think, and that might me really stupid, that you do not make a child happy if you are unhappy. Let me explain. My mother grew up with a depressed mother. My mother suffered a lot under the pressure of taking care of her mother. It is just my personal view here, I do not want to say that you should do this or that, what I say: IF your life will be better when divorcing from your husband, and of course, establish a way that this man is still in the life as a father, I think you should do that.


Because, if you're happy, your child feels that. They feel so much more than we know. If you have a life that fulfills you, by taking good care of her AND yourself, that is the best way to go I think. Because no one can really take care of someone else, if they don't care about themselves.


I will respond more to you later, I hope that it helps, if I'm wrong or I unintentionally make things feel worse for you, tell me.


I wish you strength!


(and pardon for my English too, I am Dutch!, we are from a complete different place in the world!)



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