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ok i'm 16 and i have my first serious boyfriend, on our dates and stuff i think he is going to kiss me, and i want him to kiss me, but then i think to myself...i have no idea how to kiss!! so i just get out of it...someway or somehow! any advice on how to? or anyway i could practice....without pulling random guys of the street and practicing on them lol kidding, but anyway advice would be greatly appreciated!

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well im also 16, and am now involved in a serious relationship. i no how u feel, its like u dunt no how. but honestly, just do what feels natural. if hes making the first move its not hard. perse ur lips a lil and suck gently on his top lip for the first kiss. buh dunt worry, if u both like eachother, u cud do crap and u both wud stil b xcited. buh it wont b, just do wats natural and for a first kiss, it shud b fast and a blur, probably best at da end of ur date as well.

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  • 10 months later...

Yeah, but when you start the kiss start it off with a small kiss or two for you to get comfortable then it can go alil deepa. Afta you kiss you're gonna wanna do it more and more and then you'll want to french if you hadn't yet and it'll be fun just keep your toungs rolling. Like goddess said, just do what feels natural. Don't worry, you'll do great.

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