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Hello there.


Umm... I guess that I'm through some pian as well but I'm getting lot better. What you could do is... why don't you think of another very special person, (man) that's what I do. Another thing that I do is... like sparkler624 said; stay busy. What I usually do is listen to music. (just like I am doing now) Not all that sad stuff, but party and jumpy music, if u know what I mean. Another thing that I do when I really have nathing to do is: Make up stories in my mind. In your case u may really be a pinter or singer. Than I shuold imagine that I'm some great singer winning the world for myself. (some more ditails of course) This may sound really stupid, but trust me... it works. Mayby not a hole lot but it will help you for some time. By the way, it has really helped me out.

I hope I helped some and sorry I'm a little late. Send me a message if you have a question. 8) Thanks.

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always having something occupying your time is pretty much a way to less the pain. but I do feel it's just going away for a period time when u'r on job or something. when u'r back staying alone, the thing comes up immediately. So what I would suggest as I am doing so is spend time to be with people or friends somehow to talk about the painful thing u'r going through. In a way, you dont think you're delivering your pain to another people but controversly you're getting helped by sharing your story another than tearing inside the heart alone... things happened is happened, we can't do anything about it or take time back. If that could any way to remove the pain by doing anything, then go on for it instead of being sad all the time but ignoring the opportunity which would turn matters out in a better way.

sad things help us grow. Dont always focus on the past, looking forward, there is much more things going on in the world and our life... Life is too short. We really dont have too much time for these things. Y not just be happy ever after.


I know it sounds easy but really hard in to be practical. I'm still trying too..

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  • 3 weeks later...

All i want to tell you, is go to a quiet room (partly dark) put on soft sad music, think about your pain, feel it in your soul, and cry. Cry, scream in you pillow, howwwwwll, and live it. You have to remember it is part of being human. We all go through it, don't run away. When you can't cry anymore, and your tear dried up, and your eyes are red and puffy, and your throught is dry from shouting and screaming. Take a few deep breaths, get up and leave the room. Close the door behind you and shake the sadness off your shoulders. go pick flowers and stand in the sunshine. Treasure the life you have. And if it is somoene you lost that left you with pain, remember the good things and the love. You WILL feel better. You might want to do this a few times, but it will help!

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  • 3 weeks later...

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