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Tonight I ended a relationship

im sandra dee

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Tonight I ended a relationship with a man who I thought that I wanted.


I did some writing in my journal and then came here to post a poem that I just composed that expresses some of the feelings I experienced with this man.


I am writing this to myself but if anyone would like to comment feel free.


My poem is called "When he doesn't love you".


When he doesn't love you, you don't feel loved. There is emptiness and there is pain.

When he tells you that he is too busy to talk to you or to see you, you don't feel loved. There is loneliness and there is pain.

When he tells you that he doesn't believe that love lasts, you don't feel loved. There is hopelessness and there is pain.


Write down how you feel about him. Leave your feelings for him on the page and then turn the page. Move on with your life.

On a new page write the following words: "Something wonderful will come my way."

And then in big bold letters write: I BELIEVE

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It takes a lot of courage to break a relationship when you know it is not working. You want to be sure that you are not doing the mistake. But you have taken that courage. Now take one more step and move forward. Yes, believe in yourself that you can do better.


Your poem is nice.

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Very nice. Now turn the page on this relationship and move forward with your life. You will find someone better.


It takes a lot of courage to break a relationship when you know it is not working. You want to be sure that you are not doing the mistake. But you have taken that courage. Now take one more step and move forward. Yes, believe in yourself that you can do better.


Your poem is nice.


thanks for both of your responses

I know that I did the right thing

moving forward is lonely but better to be lonely and alone than lonely and with the wrong guy, I think

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