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Inside myself is a dark place where I live all alone ...


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Another day is ending here.. Ending the same way as the one before and before.... and before.. Young woman crying herself to sleep.


I have no more tears but force myself to cry to let my emotions out. It helps a little. Helps to breath again for a while..


The huge hole in my chest is getting bigger day by day, the emptiness stronger, the thoughts are getting darker but I am still here.. fighting. Fighting for the ones I love.

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Different reasons over a very long period of time. I believe that the answers are within you and if it is time for you to go, it is time. And as reality has proven many times there is nothing anyone can do about it.. I don't want to stay on "auto-life" using medications which means I wouldn't be able to support myself and start being a burden for my family is not an option.

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I believe my post was self explanatory! I didn't ask for help. I must not provide any background or cause if I don't feel comfortable or don't want to.. I am here because I believed that people don't mind listening, reading my nonsense and will not judge me, will not treat me like a lunatic or try to heal me or send me to a shrink.. and that is the impression I got from the posts I read so I am not sure about the pressure here now.

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