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How do you finger a girl blind?

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Ok. Check this out.


Everyone who is reading this thread in privacy...take your shirt off.


To arouse anyone, try to lightly caress their FLANKS.


Your flank is the area about six inches below your nipples to the side, almost directly under your armpits.


Try to touch this area as lightly as you can. You are doing it correctly if your nipples get real hard and you get a very ticklish, yet sensual feeling.


If you are ever making out with anyone else and they happen to be without a shirt try this tactic. Im sure it will help "lubricate" any problems you might have. Many of my girlfriends have become ridiculously wet purely because I work these areas by LIGHTLY BRUSHING them with my FINGERTIPS while I kiss or hold them. The cool part is that you can see if you are doing it correctly if their nipples become hard. You can increase the sexual tension if you LIGHTLY kiss and caress their nipples when you see you are getting a positive response.


But still, its fun because you can feel how it feels for the other person by doing it to yourself. Who wouldn't like that? I haven't met anyone who hasn't.

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  • 1 year later...

My guy has blown my mind recently by doing something no man has ever done before.

First you have to get her going, don't go straight for this. Start by kissing, touching her whole body lightly, then more aggressively, then lightly. Be passionate, don't be boring. Take control of her. As you move down to touch her between her legs, be gentle. Maybe use some spit to wet her if she isn't already. Touch in circles near the top, near her clit and move inside her slowly with 1 finger at first. Go slow, in and out, then go deeper. After you do this for a while and she is liking it, then go for gold:


Insert 2 fingers and put them together and make a gentle "come here" motion with them on the "roof" of her vaginal wall. Start out doing this slowly, lightly. But get a touch faster and more pressure.


My guy has made me come like nuts this way, a way I never knew possible.


Good luck!!!

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