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bummy Cute Girl and Eye Contact LoL


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I've been crushing on this cute girl in my class and today she ends up sitting permently in our table. (What are the chances?) Anyway, its seems like every girl i like always ends up sitting next to me or in my table. I never sit next to a cute girl i find my own space.


Anyhow, today i was talking to her but for some reason i felt smarter than her and i kept over taking the convo (i think bad on my part) but she takes to slow to explain things. Or maybe i cut her off lol. Some dude asked her a question and she was having trouble answering it and i explained it further. whever. i also found myself answer questions that the guy gave her than her answering it. lol


End of class they left before i did but somehow when i left i managed to catch up to her and her friend (going toward exit of school) . They were discussing the exam and i talked about it with them. The cute girl that I’m crushing wouldn't give me eye contact when i would talk (talking to the group) she would look at her friend. Like when i gave an answer to a question she would answer it but looking/talking to her friend? I’m like confused like i know the answer..... HOWEVER, her friend which i would also go for kept eye contact to me when i talked more so than the cute girl. In fact i think she gave equal attention to both of us rather than paying attention to one person....


In class she was the same way i would answer her question but she wouldn't look at me. She would look sometimes but not all the time.


weird WTH should i take it she's not interested?

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This is actually the first time i REALLy talked to her. before i would mess/tease her in a sentence , that was it. i didn't know her so my convo's with her would be short like "hey you're leaving class with your glasses on?" she would be like "wow omg i forgot" or make her laugh indirectly (only once tho) and that was that. Today not that i was trying to be funny but some of the things i said usually makes a girl laugh. I got her friend to smile a couple times but i don't think it was from my jokes. but the cute girl wouldn't laugh....not sure at least i didn't see her laugh.


RANDOMLY the cute girl made a comment about her friend partnering up with this guy...the cute girlsaid "wow i feel sorry for my friend" while looking at her friend not me " i said why?" breifly looks at me because he smells!" i just loled! i was thinking to myself good thing i dress well lol

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So....you still say she dresses like crap and now you're saying that she's too "slow to explain things"?


Why are you even bothering? Seriously, find someone you're actually interested in. I'd hate to see what you'll say about her once you start dating.

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She could be doing the same to me! By the way, During class like she looked at me and said it's too early for this lol. Which answered my question! the reason why she dresses like crap is because IT TOO EARLY lol


No really???? that thought never crossed your mind? you just figured it out once she told you its early. Didn't the majority of people in the last thread you made tell you that was probably the reason too?


No offence here btw, but you just come off as really arrogant and entitled. That's probably why she isn't making eye contact with you. You're talking over her and most likely did cut her off. I'd be pissed if someone did that to me too, it's disrespectful. It's also not hard to tell when someone is arrogant, it doesn't only come out in what they say but their entire persona.


I'm with Fudgie, leave her alone because you seem to have nothing but issues with this girl. And to be honest, no it doesn't sound like she's interested. Has she given any major signs? heavy flirting, etc? it seems she just sees you as a friend, or peer. At least before when she was still giving you eye contact..

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Sorry if i come off that way. However, I don't act the way i think. Sure i might be critical about her but it real life situations i feel like i'm nice. Like i kept telling her we could share our materials and that we could work together as a bigger group. She's like sure.


The only time i caught myself was when i felt i cut her off. i just couldn't help but over hear what she wanted to become in life because that's excatly what i wanted to become. So we had career similarites. I think this happens with everyone, when someone likes a girl/guy sometimes our actions are not right or doesn't make sense.


Maybe i didn't give her enough eye contact because i like her and maybe i was shy. But when we were talking in a group it seemed cool. I porbably got overaly excited lol. When these girls were talking, i felt like it was my time to go so they could talk. I said bye thinking they were still going to talk but they too went home. her friend was pretty cute but i could tell she was a lot older. but she was keeping eye contact with me more. since we have class i'm going to try to be around her more.


I honeslty don't think she's comfortable yet because this is really the first time i have talked to her. i never gave the indication i liked her yet.

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