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I need some advice from the ladies!


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Alright, I need some advice from ladies on what type of wardrobe you find attractive on a guy you see at a dance club or a bar? I am talking specifically of someone you would hang out with afterwards and maybe go play monopoly back at their room


I know clothes don't make a person, but obviously they do compliment a person. I've noticed that wearing a nice shirt and a tie usually attracts better then wearing casual clothing. Please let me know what you find attractive, thank you!

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Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I would be turned off if I saw a guy all done up at a club or a bar, like he took a long time to get ready and deliberated carefully over his clothing. That's my job! I do like the outfit above, but only because it still looks casual. If I saw a guy in a tie at a club or bar, I would think he was trying too hard. Maybe it's just where I live though. There is a difference between casual and sloppy though - please observe the line. And please don't try to rock something that's not you. Be true to your personal style.

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Thanks Jas, I think that looks pretty good, I am not sure if I would do the vest but a good look nevertheless. I don't think wearing a nice shirt and tie is overdoing it to a dance club. I can see maybe that being too much for some bars, but where I mostly hang out in Vegas or LA that is a common attire. I am not concerned too much of what is over the top since I am pretty honed in on that, I just wanted to know what ladies like to see on guys when they go out.

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Hey not a problem. I guess the idea is just do you. Some people overdo it and maybe they dont even mean it. Everyone has perception of what a style is. Some are nice, some are uh?????, and you know so on. A guy could have the worst getup you have ever seen but if he has a great personality lol you can probably work on the style.

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