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Hello All


I am 17 and my boyfriend of six months is nearly 22. We love each other to bits and have no great problems (except my jealousy problem, but that's another story!!). We are planning on buying a house this month and things are just going from strength to strength.


My Mum was also involved in a relationship with an age gap and actually married a guy twice her age.


So basically I want to know - do you think that there are advantages and disadvantages about being with someone older or younger than you? Has it caused you any great problems or has it been a godsend?


Let me know your thoughts!!

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Well age difference doesn't really make much difference, its the mental bit that really counts. Personally I don't think that buying a house together so soon (in the relationship and in your life) is a very good idea. Give both things some time and then decide.

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Hahahaha, yeah, I mean, I have never had a problem with age differences... seeing my stepdad was twice as old as my mum, it was never really an issue for me until people started asking me if he was my grandfather...


I know that buying a house is a really big step to be making, especially after only six months, but I think everything will work itself out. I have had advice from a number of people about it, like going into the purchasing of the house as a business venture...


Jealousy?? Well, look on the jealousy forum... I think I have made a post about my problem on there....Under the subject "Looking at Other Women."

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's eight years between myself and my boyfriend (I'm 19 and he just turned 27). The only problem that I've had is at first his family thought I was using him for an easy ride and a money tap. They thought I was a juvenile delinquent or something. But now they know better and seem to like me a lot. That's about it for me!

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Well, on the down-side, there were 10 years between my XBF and I.. I was 21 and he was 31 when we started dating. He had been through soo much in his life, it almost took the 'youth' out of him. I was new to the scene with bars, and the whole thing.. It was difficult... but we had a good relationship while it lasted..

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  • 3 weeks later...

hey, well im 16 and my bf (hes my first) is 15. its only a year but at this age it makes a difference. pros is that there is no pressure sexually, i get to set the pace, i also have to make most decisions which can get annoying, but it doesnt really bother me. now age differences matter depending on the people, but generally speaking, the only real problem they pose is that age defines what lifestyle we have regardless of our metal stage. for example i may be much more mature for my age, but i still have to obey parents and cant go into places with an age limit and right now im thinking about high school and the issues dealing with it. so dating a 20 something year old wont be a problem in how we connect but when it comes to doing activities together it might be a problem.

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