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Two Yorkshire Terriers in need of schedules and training: please read:)


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My boyfriend and I have two yorkies, the male (Mooshi) is two years old, and the female (Fancy) is eleven weeks old.


They are both on different schedules:


Mooshi - Free fed, and potty trained outdoors, but still does some territorial marking in the house. Bought a male wrap and he has cut back on the marking 90%. He's walked once a day and gets a rollerblade/run a couple times a week in the summer. How to cut out all marking?


Fancy - Fed three times a day, snacks 1-2 times a day. Crated sometimes during the night and 3x in the day for intervals of 1-4 hrs. She doesn't cry in her crate. She pees on her pee pad but for some reason has been pooping on the hardwood even after cleaned with Nature's Miracle Oxy-Orange. She is in process of going pee outdoors, she usually does but not usually on command. we play in the back yard, go on walks down the street but she is still so small her harness is falling off her. she is no more than 2 pounds. I just ordered her collar 2-4lbs but it hasn't come in the mail yet.


any one else with dogs, and schedules?? love to hear

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Im dealing with an 11 week old puppy (shih tzu). Her harness is too big. She pees on the pee pad but then rebels and sometimes pees beside the pee pad. She WILL NOT poop on the pee pad whatsoever.


I cant take her for walks yet as she is not fully vaccinated, but I plan on taking her in the am, after work and before bed. I also have to work on crate training *sigh*

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Today my 11wk old pooped and peed on her pads! I had one for the male (paper pad) and she uses a material one. She pooped on the paper one... for whatever reason..


How do you punish yours when she goes in the wrong spot? I've recently heard punishing does nothing as they only connect you noticing them to getting punished. So now I'm not punishing - only rewarding good behaviour.

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Ya, Im not punishing - they dont get it. So I just watch her - I can tell when she needs to go. Then if she goes on her own on the pee pad, she gets a treat and gets all excited. But when she pees off the pad, she just gets a "WHAT IS THIS?" and thats it. Ive also had to correct her but find she stops peeing once I move her and wont finish on the pee pad. She just chases my hand as I try to clean the rug she just pee'd on LOL


I've almost got her trained to go pee on command LOL. Like if she is up on the couch with me for a couple of hours, I will wake her up, put her on the pad and say go pee. She thinks Im playing cause the flyers make noises (she wont go unless there is newspaper over it), then she goes once she realizes im not playing with her.

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