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what does it all mean

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Hi people, Ive been thinking why did my ex send me a friend request through facebook.

So,a month and a half ago she sent me the friend request and I thought about it for a month,whether i should accept it or not,right.So 2 weeks ago i decided to accept and as soon as I accepted it Ihad to log in and was shown to her wall(sorry,new to facebook) and read that she wrote ´´Can someone explain to me why we mess up and when we decide to right our wrongs that person decides to take another path´´ouch!,I wish she would have felt that way about me was my first thought and who is this guy!


So why would she request me,so that I could stroke her ego and make her feel special and wanted?..I hung out with her brother.He called me to hang out and give him some advice,it turns out he´s fallen in love with some girl.I havent seen him in over a year and all we talked about was this girl he loves so much and just once did he ask me if I was seeing someone,I told him I was seeing a girl for a couple months but we´re just friends now and asked me if I was mad at his sister.told him of course not...dissapointed yes.


So what do i make out of this,why would she request me if she (assuming) has been dumped? and why hasnt she contacted me again? do i have to be loggged in to facebook to get a message? technically i dont have facebook,just created it to write her 2 final letters and that was more than a year ago.


advice and guidance please

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If its causing you this much grief, then dont have her as a friend. You dont need it right now. Your X still has an effect on you, so remove her as a friend, if she asks why, just say you cant have her as a friend right now, and you move on. If you want the drama, the pain, then remain a friend and you can always wonder why she posts such things...

The choice is yours. Dont think about why she sent you the request, why she did is totally irrelevant. What you do is. Remove her and move on, or keep her as a friend and remain in constant pain and heartache..

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