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To a wonderful person...

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It's been a couple of years since I've written a poem, which explains why the following is short and somewhat predictable. But I hope you enjoy!


To a Wonderful Person, you know who you are

It's amazing seeing how deep we fell

Seeing how our relationship has progressed so far


The sublime feelings we bring to one another

Our thoughts as if coming from one mind

Our kindred souls immediately clicking

Is nothing else but a rare find


Appreciating your selfless support

Despite living miles and miles afar

Enjoying our understanding toward one another

Is what makes me cherish who you really are


I would not change a thing about you

It's you that made my life so bright

I would never forget the words exchanged

That kept us awake each and every summer night


You question whether nice guys do finish last

You reason to believe that you'll be stuck in one square

But eventually a lucky person will come to her senses

And will shower you with devotion and care


And although I may not be your One

Time will determine what will really be

You helped me clear my mixed emotions

So thanks, my friend, you're worth more than what you see.

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What better way to thank you

But with a heartfelt reply

I don't consider myself a poet

But I'll definitely give it a try


You are my very special Sweetie

For whom I deeply care

Yet only two weeks ago

I didn't even know that you were there


I've never laid my eyes on you

Nor have I ever heard your voice

But every email or chat we've had

Has been a cause to rejoice


It sometimes hurts me to think

Since we live so very far apart

That we may never meet in person

But you will always be in my heart


But if it's in God's plan

That one-day our lives should cross paths

As when a Yin meets a Yang

It will be the union of our two halves


And should that day come

I'll fall to my knees and I'll pray:

Dear Lord, thank you so very much

For sending one of your angels my way




You're such a wonderful person, trypanosoma. Please don't ever change.

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