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Hi guys, I met this guy on craigslist who believes that he is head over heels in love with me. I'm going to call him E. He treats me exactly the way a girl should be treated by someone who likes or loves them. It has been a month now that we have been getting to know each other. I have some reservations about online dating. Now that I've got that out into the open, that still is not enough to keep me from falling for him more and more each day. E is extremely patient with me, forgives me for making things difficult for him, forgives me for messing up. E always responds with its okay, I understand whenever I tell him what's bothering me, whenever I made a mistake, whenever I make a big deal out of things I should not make a big deal out of.


I always find ways to push him away because I have a bit of a trust issue with guys, and always thinks they will end up hurting me due to the amount of pain my previous boyfriends have put me through. Things so far have been fine with him, we have a good communication system, common taste in music, at times it feels like we are already "an exclusive couple", so on and so forth. E seems to have no problem reassuring me, telling me and reminding me how special I am to him. I have a problem with comparing my previous boyfriends with E, comparing my past relationships with my previous boyfriends with the one I have with E, and assuming that the same thing will happen this time too. Do I just trust that he will not hurt me, and if your answer is yes, how do I do that? At times I think what we have is too good to be true so I find faults in it. It's like I'm pushing him away on purpose, but E refuses to take the bait. Instead of taking the bait, he says it's okay I expect that from you and you are still the best.


Guys and gals, I am falling for E (fast) and I can't make myself stop. And yet I know that since I didn't meet him in person, I have to be careful with him I mean everything I know about him and everything we have now could be a lie. I am falling for E, and my willpower to resist him is all gone, and I am really scared. I am afraid that I am being too gullible into believing that E could fall in love and have strong feelings for someone he has not met in person yet. I am falling for him hard, only a tiny voice in my head is telling me "maybe you shouldn't fall head over heels over E one hundred percent".


Is anyone in the same situation as me? Any advice, suggestions, and opinions is welcome.

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