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Handshake / Touching elbow

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Hi, I shook this girls hand that I was talking to last night at the prom, and she put her free hand on my elbow. I don't know if this is flirting or not (doubt it), but its weird, because i've never had a handshake like that before.


Oh and this may be relavent or not, but she seemed genuinely interested, enthusiastic, and happy to talk to me in the convo, and I had a slight feeling she may like me like that. She smiled alot during the convo, asked open questions, like "Did you?" etc. We hugged at the end of the convo, and we swapped emails (she offered to write it down, but I said I would remember it), then this guy came along and pushed me away.

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Well, what makes you say that?

What does the handshake mean?

And yeah I have asked her out via txt/email, but well i seriously doubt she will even reply, because if we do go on a date, it will be for tomorrow, and then that will be it, 1 date. Thanks to my enotalone advice though, I dont hesitate, i just ask nowadays.

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YAY!! That's seriously awesome, I'm so happy for you!! I remember in other posts (well I think it was you..) talking about how girls don't like you for some reason, or you can't get a girlfriend & I knew it wasn't true. You seem like a great guy, just have confidence in yourself & you'll be fine. It sounds like the girl likes you obviously, so just be yourself and go somewhere fun that both of you will enjoy.


Congrats again!



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Holy cow! She just phoned... she really wnats to date me... eventhough tomorrows her last day in the country. Im shaking... I wasn't suppossed to win... I didnt seriously think she liked me....


Easy boy. Have fun, but keep things relaxed and calm during the date.

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