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NC for days, text off the internet, no name cant reply!! it was her though!!


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yet again my ex - and daughters mother has resorted to switching the phone off and dissapearing again.


but not long ago- i receive a text saying:


"meet me at (removed) bar at 10:30am tomorrow."


now, this is from a texting website that only me and her use really.

plus she owns my phone contract and only 4 people know my number.

three of them are her, my mother and my grandmother. thats IT!!

so it was clearly her. i have no doubt in that... but why?

why not put her name. why off the net so she KNOWS i cant reply?

she did similar before when she switched her phone off months back.. after a few days i reciecved:

"bbc1 @ 10pm

it was the film we saw the very 1st time we met back 6 years ago...

so it was her, i knew that anyway.. and yet again this time, same site same style. its her.. why is she playing games.. what do i do?

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I guess if you want to go meet her, you know where to find her at 10:30 am tomorrow.


But if she's going to be like this, I would just ignore it and concentrate on whatever else you have going on in your life.


i actually have nothing else. that is honesty.


i now live 2 hours from the nearest familiar face.

i left everything: friends,family,my life and mainly my happiness all there.

in the 2 years i lived here, i have yet met anybody at all. its such a remote place and nobody is younger than 65. - im 18!


everyone i used to know has drifted away from me and eachother.

all i ever had was my gf & child. and thats all i needed. but that too is gone.


im tempted to go, but its a 2 hour journey. and i dont know if she would even turn up. and i know if she didnt. id be heartbroken.

im already very lonley, ill feel even more lonely sat in a cafe/bar alone waiting for someone who doesnt show up. i wish she could turn her phone on, at least i could plan it then.

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As I have no way at all of getting hold of my ex, I sent a text to her father saying:


I received a text from t earlier, off the net with no name or way to reply, just to meet her at 1030 tomorrow. Could you explain to her that I will NOT be meeting her and will not be in the city at all tomorrow, so not to waste her time as I will not be showing up. I refuse to play her games. I'd tell her myself if her phone was on but it hasn't been for days. Thanks goodnight.



She lives with her mum n dad so she should get that message! I know she won't turn her phone on or try to contact me at all. And it's killing me!! I'd love to see her but I won't play games, it's been so hard choosing to stand my ground n not go even though I sacrifice looking at her, talking to her! I'd be even worse if she didn't go!! And stood me up!! As it's two hours from my home to sit in z caffe alone, feel humiliated and lonely!


Have I made a wise choice?

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