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how do I attract a girl?

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I want to know what attracts girls?....as in..


what type of cloth do you like a guy to wear?...


not so baggy?

little loose?

or really tight?


Also how can I hint a girl I like her? like start flirting with her?

do I stare at her eyes? for how long?

Is it good when a look at a girl and when she looks back?(usually I look somewhere else quickly).

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Well, it all depends on the type of girl that you are trying to attract and the type of person that you are.


I guess the best thing to do is be yourself and don't try too hard to impress.


Personally i like a guy who dresses casual. Everyday wear like jeans that arn't baggy are their butts and a really nice t-shirt that isnt a mainstream brand. Wear lots of colour, it makes you feel and look good. There is nothing worse than someone who looks drab in boring colourless clothes!!


If you like a girl, make a bit of eye contact but don't stare cos that just makes it uncomfortable for both of you. Maybe if you get the chance, pluck up the courage and have a chat. I won't say not to use chat up lines because some of them actually work (if they arn't too mooshy or rude!!) and can be an ice breaker.


You will probably find that when you are interested in someone and make eye contact with them and they respond, chances are that she likes you too. If you look away she might sense that you're a bit shy, bite the bullet a go and talk to her!

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ok well im a guy and all but ill give you some advice. Be yourself and dont change just to try to get her to like you. You want her to like you for something you are, not something you are trying to be. i mean that you want her to like you for you, and not something you really aren't. Also if you look at a girl and your like staring at her and she looks dont just look the other way, i mean yea some girls think its cute, but just give her a nod maybe a and say hi. Also think confident about it, i mean if she looks at you its either you've been looking too long and she can notice(very doubtful) or she might have feelings for you too. If u see her around say hi to her. THen maybe gradually develop into a conversation. OR you can save yourself a lot of trouble and just get her screen-name and like talk to her online. Just be yourself and if she doesnt like you for that and wants you to be something different, dont change. You are who you are, and thats the most unique thing about u, so dont let that come to waste.

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If me and a chick make eye contact I decide on what to do. after the 3rd time, I smile and nod my head at her. If i get a positive feedback, I walk over to her and just say hi, exchange names, compliment on something that attracted me to her.


depending on situation...


alone: invite her to join me

w/ girl friend: mention something about why thier BF's aren't there (clarify they are single and not waiting for guys to show up) (that could turn nasty)

and invite them to join you at your table.

at a bar, something a little different: choose a drink for her just by guessing (makes for some talk... mmmm you looked like a martini person...)


just go think of some things. try not to do anything cliche.

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i know that you have probably heard this loads and laods of times before but just be yourself. it should come naturally to you, a girl/ woman is more likely to attracted to someone who is confident about who they are, they dont want someone to be false. just relaxe


~LJ =;

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I think that these answers will vary, depending on each girl's personal preference.


what type of cloth do you like a guy to wear?... baggy? not so baggy? little loose? or really tight?

Loose, khakis, shorts. Anything that looks appropriate. The Aberocrombie & Fitch look isn't so bad. It's laid-back, preppy & cute. I'd go with the same gesture with 'tight' pants. Not my preference. Sometimes dress pants/dress shirts with a tie, looks good too.


Also how can I hint a girl I like her? like start flirting with her?

Be polite. Be you, and let your charm shine through. Practice more on letting your personality out. Just for starters, girls like a guy who can be 'relaxed,' and doesn't come off as being too uptight.


do I stare at her eyes? for how long?

Stare once in a while, but not too long. Staring too long will probably freak the girl out a little. I'd say 10-20 seconds max.


Is it good when a look at a girl and when she looks back?(usually I look somewhere else quickly). Probably means nothing. Sometimes we just look around. It doesn't mean that we're looking back as a way to 'lock' eyes. Again, this depends on each girl.


I'd go with Just_Smile's explaination as well. As long as you're being you, polite, relaxed, and can carry on an intellegent conversation with a sense of humor, then I think that's good enough to leave a lasting impression. Hope this helps.

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Yes, I agree with everyone, you should just be yourself. Wear what you feel comfortable wearing, and just act how you normally would. I have to add this, though... DON'T PLAY GAMES! That is the worst thing a guy could ever do! If you like a girl, let her know, if you want a relationship with her, tell her, if you just want to be friends, make sure she knows that. I can't tell you how many guys I've encountered who play games and it's soo frustrating!! Good luck, and I hope I've helped!

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awww i can tell your neew at the whole relationship thing


hehe,well with the whole pants thing it TOTALLY depends on wot type of girl ur after, i prefer slightly loose and comfortble looking but thn again EVERY1s different =D


Listen just Remember 1 thing:




theres nothin that a girl likes more than some1 who isnt ashame to be thmselves =D


ok, to attract a girl;well this is still depending on the "type" of girl but in general just remember to be yourself, flirt alittle, just be nice and EVERY1 likes the nice guy

show her shes special to you, make sure u go outta ur way to improve her day, comfort her if she down....


ok, jst one MAJOR thing to remember play the "Friends" first move, that way shes not affrad to be herself around you either and that way u get to learn about eachother first which IMO is best as u can descover eachothers intrest and find out whether this girl is right for you!


again this depends on the type of girl your after and if your after a full on relationship or just a quick fling.


and to find out how to dress, just look at the way the girl ur afta dresses and semi copy th@ by dressing in the "boy" verson of her look (IE sk8r boy look)


anyways i wish u the best of luck and just remember gud things take time theres no need to rush into a relationship

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It all depends on what kind of girls you want to hook up with. Watch how she dresses and try to match her style (but in guys clothes of course). If she dresses preppy with like American Eagle, Aeropostle, and clothes like that, then wear clothes of the same brand (wear a collared shirt every now and then with pants that are a little bit loose). Of course if she acts like she likes thuggish guys you'll want the baggy pants and FUBU. All depends on the kind of girl you're looking for

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