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She told me "she doesn't want to get attached". Whay talk of this at all?


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Hi there, people!

I'm here to learn a bit, and hopefully arrive at a decision on what I actually want with this girl. FORGET ABOUT MY PREVIOUS POSTS, pls!


I met this very attractive and creative girl thru my work, and we've had aprox. a month of fun texting, fun short meetings and a lot of physical attraction.

We're both around 25-28 and we're both very busy, also both foreign. She just ended a very long and happy relationship as we started to hang out. In my mind I always thought that "she is taken" and I never pushed for anything - I was always very comfortable in my skin.

After two short and spontaneous "coffee meets", during which we mainly touched and kissed, we randomly ended up watching TV at my house and sleeping together. It was a great, very easy going thing for both of us, and we felt very comfortable after that. The next time we saw each other we went to a big house party together, and had fun. We only met once a week as we're both busy.

As I'm starting to really like this lady, my thoughts are changing. I'm analyzing things more, I guess, and this is making our communication a lil' weird.

Last weekend, we met for a short lunch, and she told me that I've behaved more like a boyfriend, and that scared her. (Earlier, even before we had slept together, she vaguely mentioned that "she doesn't want to get attached" since she's leaving in a year).

So she mentioned that same thing: "she doesn't want to get attached". I also admitted that my thoughts are changing.

I've definitely pulled away since then, but we haven't been strangers either!


As I mentioned, I'm starting to think of her more now, but I don't have plans or hopes for a lasting relationship with her. (In my mind, I let her decide where this is going)

I don't understand how to treat her currently! I'm okay if we don't get deeper into this, and I'm also cool with this casual and fun physical dating.

You do know how things inevitably get stranger and more complicated, right?

How am I to act in this situation, if at all. Is this the time when I decide to make her my friend and stop flirting and teasing? Do i decide?


Your thoughts are greatly appreciated! Thanx

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You two are Friends with Benefits (FWB) treat her like a FWB till she leaves. So just take it back to the fun and playful flirting, keep it as sexual as possible, and don't be too nice.


Unless your thinking you want more, but she has made it obvious thats not what she wants. So I would have fun with it while I could.

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